Let me know which ones you want that it's what i was hear before u:urameshiye,122 Stab Wounds, 1917, 8 Foot Sativa, !T.O.O.H.!, Abaddon Incarnate, Abhorrence, Abramelin, Abscess, Acheron, Akercocke, Altar, Amoebic Dysentery, Amon Amarth, Amoral, Amorphis, Anasarca, Angel Corpse, Arch Enemy, Arsis, Atheist, At the Gates, Atrocity, Autopsy, Autumn Leaves, Beheaded, Behemoth (later albums), Believer, Belphegor, Beneath the Massacre, Benediction, Benighted, Bloodbath, Blood Red Throne, Bolt Thrower, Brodequin, Broken Hope, Brutality, Cadaver, Cancer, Cannibal Corpse, Canopy, Carcass, Carnal Forge, Cattle Decapitation, Celtic Frost, Cephalic Carnage, Cenotaph, Centinex, Chaosbreed, Circle of Dead Children, Coercion, Comecon, Confessor, Consolation, Creepmime, Crematory, The Crown, Crusher, Cryptopsy, Cynic, DÅÅTH, Dark Lunacy, Dark Millennium, Dark Tranquillity, Dawn of Azazel, Dead Horse, DeadSpawn, Death, Death Strike, Deathchain, Decapitated, Deceased, Decrepit Birth, Deeds of Flesh, Defleshed, Deicide, Demigod, Demilich, Demonic Resurrection, Demonoid, Dethklok, Detonation, Devourment, Diablo, Dimension Zero, diSEMBOWELMENT, Disgorge, Disincarnate, Dismember, Dissection, Devilyn, Dying Fetus, Edge of Sanity, Entombed, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, Eucharist, Exhumed, Exmortem, Fleshcrawl, Frostmoon, Funebre, God Dethroned, God Macabre, Gojira, Golem, Gorefest, Gorelord, Gorerotted, Gorguts, Grave, Grotesque, Hate, Hate Eternal, Hate Plow, Hecate Enthroned (later albums), Hypocrisy, Illdisposed, Immolation, Impaled, Impetigo, Impious, Incantation, Infestdead, In Flames, Ingurgitate, Inhume, Iniquity, Insision, Intestine Baalism, Insomnium, Kaamos, Kalmah, Katafalk, Kataklysm, Krabathor, Krisiun, Kronos, Liers in Wait, Lord Gore, Lost Soul, Lykathea Aflame, Living Sacrifice, Macabre, Malevolent Creation, Massacra, Massacre, Master, Merciless, Mercyless, Messiah, Monstrosity, Morbid Angel, Morgoth, Mortician, Mortification, Murder Squad, Myrkskog, Napalm Death, Necrophagia, Necrophagist, Necrophobic, Nembrionic, Neuraxis, Nightrage, Nile, Nocturnus, Nominon, Novembers Doom, Obituary, One Man Army and the Undead Quartet, Opera IX, Opeth, Origin, Orphaned Land, Offense (band), Paganizer, Polluted Inheritance, Possessed, Postmortem, Prolapse, Psycroptic, Pungent Stench, Rebaelliun, The Red Death, Ribspreader, Runemagick, Quo Vadis, Sadistik Exekution, Salem, Sarcofago, Scar Symmetry, Seance, Sentenced, Septic Flesh, Sepultura (Early), Sinate, Sinister, Six Feet Under, Skinless, Skyfire, Slow Agony, Soils of Fate, Soilent Green, Soilwork, Sororicide, Sotajumala, Soulburn, Soulscar, Spawn of Possession, Speckmann Project, Stovokor, Strapping Young Lad, Suffocation, Terrorizer, Thanatos, The Amenta, The Berzerker, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Chasm, The Crown, The Haunted, Theory in Practice, Therion, Torture Killer, Unanimated, Unleashed, Unseen Terror, Vader, Vehemence, Vile, Visceral Bleeding, Vital Remains, Vörnagar, Warlord UK, Wormed, Your Own Decay, Yyrkoon, Zimmers Hole, Zyklon
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