War Strategy, and Miltary weapons are a hobby. Also intrested in Literature such as The Inferno, Martial Arts, Writting, Drawing. umm and WoW ya for Warcraft and warcraft related thingys ^_^
People who arent completely ignorant...i am tired of talking to the same uncreative, illigitimate excuses for human beings who fail to see the severity and total extent of what is wrong with the world...Childern starve, childern die, and why so that people like Bill fuckin Gates can keep lining his pockets with more of that green shit that has consumed society.I dont wanna be rich...the great american dream...the great american flaw. Greed is what makes this world go around if you are to damn ignorant not to see this then dont waste a single breath speaking to me, infact do the world a favor and move to a 3rd world country and replace one of the innocents who would trade everything just to eat for the day you ungreatful, self-centered, egotistical piece of shit.Those that cry oh poor me, and fail to count just how blessed they are, that they have a house to live in and food to eat...BUT NOOOOO "my life is so hard" HORSESHIT your life is a walk in the park comparitively.I am far to tired of the "EMO" generation...seriously grow up, nobody but the rich has this fantasy life that hollywood has depicted for us, and its simply unrealistic for you to believe you will obtain the same lifestyle...for that matter why would you want to... what happened to being yourself..."To thy own self be true". Are you truely that depressed, and about what... others opinions...well goodie for others and their ignorance, why even take to heart anything any closed minded automotron has to say.We are slaves to our own creations...non the less this is not a proclaimation of hate or a rhetoric concerning concpiracy. It is the simple truth and a warning not to scare people away but to hopefully draw in those with some sense of moral being, self worth, and intelligence.The Truth Seeker The Life Lover The Death Bringer and The Loyal FriendD.PS. And yes i know the conflict between Life Lover and Death bringer its a Oxymoron...LOOK IT UP. Its also a metaphor which i doubt anyone with the attitude of a 3 year old or intellect of goldfish would understand.
Metal, Rock, Alternative, Punk-Metal/Rock, Progressive, Trance...and then some.Oh ya and Dragonforce is the best Metal band ever...well for now anyways..at the moment okay not the best over but i am listening to them while modin this shit.
Gladiator, Braveheart, Pulp Fiction, The Crow, Seven, AvP, The Lord of the Rings Tril., and so many others
Dantes' Divine Comedy: The Inferno, and Purgatory
All those that fight for what they believe in. Win or lose never say die.