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Music, Animals, Movies and like stuff.... dont really know... hehe AND I LOVE MY FRIENDS! do not fuck with them or i'll come and .... i'll sit on you!
Actually I listen to just about all music but if I had to name names, : Narfur, Foo fighters, Red hot chilli peppers, Eagles, Smokie, Sigurrós,NilFisk Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Pink, Nelly Furtado, Korn, Tenacious D, Pendulum, Missy Elliot and stuff. I love Techno, so I listen to that alot!
ok to name a few.... : The Nightmare before Christmas, Robin Hood : Men in Tights, Ace Ventura 1-2, Naked Gun 1-3, Scary movie-S, Queen of the damned, Interview with a vampire, Dracula - dead and lovin it, Zoolander, Honey, Bring it on, and alot of other movies!
comedy! comedy! comedy! and action! to name few, the Simpsons, LOST, Heroes, Survivor, Prison Break, Two and a half man, Everybody loves Raymond, Family guy, Futurama and alot of other shows, I like the comical ones the best.
nja..... none really!
Batman, without a doubt! He..s the only one you could actually believe was real, he had no powers he was just human... but used technology!