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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting In the Creation myth, Asar(Osiris) is the son of Geb(Earth) and Nut(Heaven), who are in turn the offspring of Shu(Air) and Tefnut(Water), who are themselves children of ra(Fire). In another Creation myth of Asar, it is said that Asar uttered his own name, "Asar!!," and thereby brought the world and all life within it into existence. This is the process of the Divine incarnation whereby the Supreme Being becomes the universe. Asar, Lord of the Perfect Black, is the personifiction of the blackness of the vast un-manifest regions of existence. Asar is the essence of all things, and the very soul of every human being as the Higher Self, who, through ignorance, has become involved in th world, has been slain by its own ego, and struggles to regain its original state of perfection. Asar also symbolizes the fragmented ocean of consciousness which has been cut into pieces by the lower self. No longer is there the vast all-encompassing, all-knowing, all-seeing consciousness . The Divine has become limited in association with the human mind, body and senses, due to the desire to experience human feelings and egoistic sentiments. Instead of looking at the universe through the cosmic mind, the Divine now expresses{him/her}self through billions of life forms whose bobies, minds and senses are too limited to see the vastness of Creation.