Tommy Vercetti vs Tony Montana? |
Who would win?1.Guns don't kill people, Tommy Vercetti kills people.2. Tommy Vercetti does not sleep he waits3. It takes Tommy Vercetti 5 minutes to watch 60 minutes.4. Tommy Vercetti doesn't believe ... Posted by Alexander on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 04:17:00 PST |
eating at the Cafeteria! |
(The WWE superstars are eating at the Cafeteria)Cena: So, Hunter, when do you think Jericho's coming back to school?HHH: *shrugs* It's too soon to tell, man. Anyway, what're you eating for lunch?Cena:... Posted by Alexander on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 02:44:00 PST |
What if all wrestling moves were literally what they sounded like? |
Gregory Helms: would take out a shining Wizard and smack people with him.
Kobashi: would grab a hammer, set it on fire, and hit someone with it.
I.R.S.: would give someone a tax write off.
Sandman: wo... Posted by Alexander on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 01:57:00 PST |
3rd Most liveable Country |
Yey.We ranked 3rd, with Norway and Ice land beating us.take that rest of the world. Sry Ice land and Norway, we can be friends right?1. Norway 16. France 2. Iceland 17. Italy 3. Australia 18. United K... Posted by Alexander on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 04:05:00 PST |
R.I.P Mike Awesome 1965 to 2007. |
For thoes Who don't know already, ECW/FMW/WCW/WWE star Mike Awesome passed away in his home today
I only saw you in a couple of matchs, the best being at ECW One Night Stand in 2005.
RIP... Posted by Alexander on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 03:25:00 PST |
Birthday 18th |
I turn 18 on the 22nd of feb, thats legal age in australia so its cool.
I think most places the legal age is 21
Thats all
bye wish me a happy birthday Posted by Alexander on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 06:44:00 PST |
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater |
Well i brought the game last Saturday and have finish it in 5 days (thursday today).
It was one awsome game, the best MGS yet, with one of the best story lines and cinemas in a game ive ever seen. wow... Posted by Alexander on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 03:04:00 PST |
Photos Added |
It took awhile , but yes, they are finally added, go check them out. Posted by Alexander on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 07:16:00 PST |
Zelda: Twilight Princess Better then Ocarina of Time? |
In my opion, no its not.
Some or alot of you will dissagree but thats how i feel.
OoT kept me glued to the screen from start to finish, it wouldnd let me leave the tv, i was like a vegitable with squa... Posted by Alexander on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 04:57:00 PST |
this is a cool but pointless blog, well cool for me anyways. i wrote this all on my nintendo wii using the internet opera browser, but i dont see myself doing this all the time as it will take for age... Posted by Alexander on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 07:10:00 PST |