potential Roxy Dazeys and myself in another life form Myspace Contact Tables
House music all night long!, and good hard core ass kicking hair metal! YOU ARE A...
Tommy Lee....
You are sexy but you drink way too much, a hothead,
and well need to control yourself a little
more, I'd think. Anger management?
Which rockstar are you like?
brought to you by Quizilla
Interview with the Vampire, Fight Club, Eyes Wide Shut, Clockwork Orange, Sin City, El Mariachi, Abre Los Ojos, Beat Street, Breakin, Krush Groove, Any Quentin films....OH YEAH, almost forgot, Alice in Wonderland
.. ..
I only read when I'm in jail
Besides my family...Cuauhtémoc, Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo y Costilla Gallaga Mondarte Villaseñor, Emiliano Zapata Salazar
FORGET BEER, PASS THE LIQUOR: Oh, beer's fine, but
if someone else is buying, you want the
expensive stuff. Really, you're not that
concerned with other people; the drink is much
more important. You love to entertain and
adore attention. You don't always know your
limit, but how important are limits? Live life
large, and drink double shots.
The Greatest Beer Quiz, ever!
brought to you by Quizilla