I like anime as i said befor i like to draw and well iam a Gamer i can call my self that cus i wasted my life on it...And i mite just go do something Crazy for Christ but i dont know what is is yet??? o well it will come with time 8)
.. I would like to meet GOD one day and ask him why was my life hell on earth. And GOD would say would u rather go to hell? i would be like no no sorry sir haahha. really i wouldnt want to meet any one i already never met the person i wonted to meet well not just one but all my friend 8) lol. God is so awsome i meen look how cool he is i men come on man he made me the cools person alive. lol jk and i cant wait to meet my wife who ever she may be 8)
My favrot moive is the last samiri it was cool and i likie the FF7 movie it was cool too lol and Zoolander
Dont care really
the big book the Bible ya boy that the book u know it the world best seller so it has to be good
my hero would be my black winged angel she took me out of all my pain and i love her for it. thare is no other hero for me cause they all seem to just fall when the come up. so i really dont count on people who i dont love hahah i find that funny cause i only love one person:') Man i keep this to remmind me of a mistake a sad one cuz i hurt her and she hurt me we were never ment to be but there is a true hero thats not a ninja he weas a jew his name is JESUS CHRIST son of God. 8)