Music, sports and all types of ill shit.
The Blues, The Rap, The Roots Rock Reggae....... Anything that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand at attention.
Most movies I like mirror some part of my life, altough it's not a prerequesite. It either has to be close to reality (i.e. super troopers) or so far gone its off the map (i.e. starship troopers).
The only shows I will religiously watch are The Daily Show/Colbert Report hour and just about anything on the Discovery channels. VH1 classic is pretty good when it isn't saturated with hair metal and butt rock.
I don't read as much as I should. I read the paper and try to stay current. The unfortunate side effect of that is I can probobly identify way more (psuedo) reality and movie stars than I care to. I have the crack of newspaper, the USA TODAY, to thank for that