Mook Skywalker profile picture

Mook Skywalker

have you heard of the emmancipation proclaimation?? no, don't listen to hiphop

About Me

CoNstAntLy EnliGhTened. By LiFe. BY PeoPle. By ChoPpA. By MySelf.

NeVer LiVe By THe RulEs.

AlWays SmokIng N JoKiNg.

AttenTion SpaN is AbOut 5cm by 5cM.

PiCk ThiNgs Up n put thEm BaCk down In a different place.

WAlkIng doWn Da StrEet, pLeAse jUmP iN My fAcE.

tHe mObiLe pHoNe iS A cuRsE oF moDeRn mAN,

BuT iF I haVe tO HAve a plAn....

SiMpLe plEaSurEs cAn Be tHe bigGest hABitS LOL

My Interests

Choppa. Guitars. slopping. Mates. the FOrCe. NOW. wanking. sexy parties.

Schwimin, yakyak da rabbit. makin clothes. caring.

Ridding the world of evil negativity

I'd like to meet:

whatever, whoever, people who want to make an impact on the world. people who want to drink beer and play video games. people who enjoy dark n dirty music and a good dance. people who enjoy makin clothes. people who accept the norm is not the norm. i dont make judgements on people.


all types. when im listening, jack johnson, eels, pete bennett, itwr, rocky horror. Matt stone and trey parker (the gods), elton john, spadonna, dj peejay...

when im dancin, hard n dirty,

when im buzzing at home i make my own.

and musicians...add me! i'll listen to ya, but rememeber schlumpy schlumpy!


New Page 2

*****STAR WARS****
south park the movie, team america world police, whats love got to do with it! =( all of the harry potters, monster in law (jane fonda and jlo are fantastic in this film) march of the penguins, kill bill 1 and 2...dark crystal...


South park, Futurama, the simpsons, family guy (even if the humour isn't relevant to the plot), ad fab, Porn.

outside is a fucking good tv too and i like watching choppa and my rabbit more then any t.v.


anything by OSCAR WILDE Any book that makes me read it. power of now. one. harry potter :-(

books are the gateway to opening your imagination and my imagination can take me to some funny places. i hate reading when drunk.


Choppa (you know how i feel, you big lump of lovestuff), my two bruvvas n mum n dad, all me mates (wonk, keywee, scott chad bark pete gemma michelle ash n gareth and you pj of course but the list is endless, shout me if ive left you out!)

All of my mates. those who are listed in my friends. those who aint and who have read this.

all of those unsung heros like single mums, charity giving grans, homeless people and train guards...

Spiders and bees (you keep me on my toes)

Trey Parker and Matt Stone (for creating some of the best comedies ever!)

My Blog

Jeremy Kyle Update...

Ok, after witnessing twodiffferent Jeremy Kyles, its time for me to eat humble pie..just a slice mind,after seeing jermey kyle talk to the worst family in america pushing theboundarys of observation a...
Posted by Mook Skywalker on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 11:36:00 PST

Let the Cannabis Gran GO!!!!

Today, our beloved Cannabis Gran has been put on trial, for possession with intent to supply.She recieved a prescription for medication which she found useless and ineffecient, and she put a little c...
Posted by Mook Skywalker on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 06:02:00 PST

Jeremy Kyle

What kind of an arrogent, self rightous prick is jeremy kyle?he has a tv counselling show that is furthest from the word counselling.what kind of counsellor shouts at those who are on it, and innteru...
Posted by Mook Skywalker on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 06:45:00 PST

The Force says its christmas time.

Ahhh the Force is strong, and all of the midi-chlorians are present, telling me this was the time christ was born. Even Master Yoda has got his Mystic Robe on and Rejoiced at the Birth of our Father...
Posted by Mook Skywalker on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 07:42:00 PST