Tina profile picture


is the glass half full or half empty? either way it sounds like you need another drink.

About Me

i failed anger management, i quit beards of zues, i miss my roomate, i need a job, i will laugh at you if you fall, i want a beach house, why are there no pirates in union city, i currently have straight A's in school, i hope lynn gets home safe on her small plane. that's all.AND BY THE WAY . . .

..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor

My Interests

Dancing, Drinking, Eating, Sleeping, thunder, hugs, other peoples misery, comfy couches during rainstorms, learning: how to cook-surf-teach-do a keg stand-etc., flying, random thoughts, rescue me, sunday afternoons, corn dogs, ham hocks, not crashing my car . . . i'm really interested in this just not sure how to accomplish it, reading in my bed other peoples beds parks cars beaches anywhere, yankees, hammocks, beer on tuesday mornings, ponytails, things i dont understand, spooning, road trips, tattoos, firemen, sleeping, new stories, good conversation, drinking, eating, dancing, drinking and this guy

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can make me laugh, sense of humor is key, someone who's over the bullshit and drinks henieken like a champ, loves cheese injected meals, and though they think i'm a pain in the ass . . . love me for it anyway oh and any real life pirates, hookers, evil-doers, or people from iceland one may come across.


Bon Jovi, Elton John, Jay Z, Biggie, Foxy Brown, Aerosmith, Nora Jones, really everything and anything, although if i can shake my ass to it, even better ;)




heroes, afv, friends, rescue me, lucky louie, i recently discovered the comedic genius that is scrubs and am currently obsessed, oh and football thanks to the bearded ones...


i love to read, i'll read anything and everything, my favorite book is Their Eyes Were Watching God . . . although i want to beat Oprah for making a movie and ruining it for me, i also love James Patterson, all Harry Potter (step off), and really anything with words, except self help, that shit just makes me angry, DON"T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! . . . and Tucker Max . . . funniest mofo ever . . .


Mando . . . come back 312 is dirty and hungry without you =(