making greeting cards that either tell the REAL story at the holidays, or a birthday, or whatever, but also just to expose the darker side of everyday events, in our own way. FREEDOM is what we're about. and we'd like for you to be able to say what you want to whoever you want, in a dark, but paradoxically light hearted way. that is, unless you really WANT to be mean to someone. that's okay too. FREEDOM AND HUMOR. TRUTH AND HUMOR. we believe they mix in a very interesting way, and the best thing about it, is that it's imaginative, creative, and unique. no other greeting card is quite like an INVIDIOUS GREETING. perhaps they're a little more expensive, but worth it. send one of our cards to someone, and ONE thing is guaranteed. your recipient will NEVER think of you as boring, that's for sure.
BECAUSE INVIDIOUS GREETINGS is a greeting card company. we don't MEET people, PER SE'. however, we felt that we would swallow our pride, and "GET A MYSPACE PAGE", MERELY because it's a FREE way to have a rudimentary website. easy to set up, you can change anything at any time. good idea tom. you're a smart man. as SOON as INVIDIOUS GREETINGS has taken off, we will sell this thing like a hot potata. take the money, buy and island and...have some SERIOUS PARTIES!!!naturally, it is at that point where we will begin to design an army of solonoid robots to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!! (well we'll see about that. maybe we could get them to do our printing or something.INVIDIOUS GREETINGS WOULD LIKE TO MEET PEOPLE, who have something they wanna say, either to a boss, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a spouse, or an ENEMY, but just haven't found that PARTICULAR WAY they want to deliver the message. we hope we can be of help to people in that way. we want to meet people that can take a joke. we simply would just love to make the aquaintence of any and all, who dig the trip we're on. the TRUTH. GOOD, BAD, UGLY, AND HILARIOUS.we consider ourselves to be a very VERSATILE organization, because we can do a LOT of things a bigger company would never consider. we can PERSONALIZE CARDS FOR YOU, if you want-- that is, we can tailor the message so it's specific to your situation, and we have a lead time of about a week to ten days. we can sell as many or as few as you want. we EVEN take requests. if there's a card you want made to order, a whole original design of your own, we can do that too.the more cards ordered, the less they cost per piece, so just contact us, and we'll provide the information you need in that regard.
WHEN WE CREATE, we like to take in the UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE OF MUSICK. these are our favorite makers of sound:THE ATMO PROJEKT. THE BLAZE MALAISE. blazemalaise THE BLUE FIX. spiritualized. alice in chains the stones. and a bunch of other stuff we're not gonna bore you with. but we find that our "juices" flow, when we are listening to our favorite musick.
TAXI DRIVER. FARGO. ALIEN 1 and 2. the last one was CRAP. TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. anything directed by roman polanski, or sam peckinpaw. oh! and almost forgot...drum rolll....BLUE VELVET. now, THAT'S a movie.
television is for poisoning minds. ours have been poisoned. we don't watch it anymore.
HERE at invidious offices, we write short stories, and hand them around. usually they are character sketches on EACH OTHER, and right now we're trying to see how far we can take it out to the edge with each other, until someone can't take it anymore, and CRACKS. THEN THEY WILL BE SUMMARILY FIRED. HAHHHAAA. not really. it's only me here.
LUCIFER. JOHN THE BAPTIST. JOHN THE WAYNE. and on really rough nites, just the john.