Helping people better themselves. Sharing information that others may find valuable. Letting others learn from my mistakes when possible so they don't have to make their own. Music, Costume design, Dance, Singing, Being alive, Pirates (since I was 8), my bunnies - Blue and Benny, travelling, Disneyland!
People who don't feel entitled. People tryng to regain their lives after brain surgery and/or brain cancer. Help! One of my favorite friendships of old involved a man I met just as he was beginning to piece a life back together again. Seeing the world through his brand new eyes and watching him relearn the basics of life was and still is an amazing experience. I will always remember and cherish it. I appreciate the experience even more so now having come through my own version of it - having a chunk of my brain removed and getting my brain to rewire itself and relearn things. Love you, Brian. And you were right, I was supposed to marry you. Sorry for being so awfully stupid. The things I have learned since then...
so varied...don't know where to start. Old stuff, new stuff. In between stuff. Music is never background.
Star Wars, Very Bad Things, Gone with the Wind, Lost Horizon, Anything from the 1930's, James Bond, Anything Katharine Hepburn, lots of foreign stuff, either historical or totally twisted so I don't know what's going to happen. I HATE predictable and formulaic. I rarely go to the movies because within 10 minutes I know the ending and that's just not fun anymore.
Peep and the Big Wide World (Discovery Kids Weekdays 6:30am and 9:00am). There is something about the innocence of Peep, Chirp and Quack discovering the world for the first time that really appeals to me (I'm sure it's not just cuz I had a big chunk of my brain removed) Waaaa! They killed my Deadwood, man! Best show ever. I must say that I am enjoying Dexter, though. Lost. Californication.
Chronicles of Narnia (Magicians Nephew and Voyage of the Dawn Treader are my 2 favs). The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran, Tuck Everlasting, Under the Black Flag, Brain Tumors; Leaving the Garden of Eden, I had brain surgery, what's your excuse - Suzy Becker. Some day I will write a book with all of the info I wish I had known along this journey called "brain tumor" But not today. Today I am too busy living.
Currently - Me. Been through hell and back in 2006 and can still laugh. Something to be said for that. I think I have always been my own hero. I can't think of anyone else I want to be or anyone I want to be like. I just keep trying to be a better me each and every day and I think that's enough. For now. Tomorrow I'll probably decide I want to jump out of an airplane. Start packing that 'chute!