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scotch ale


About Me

Gli SCOTCH ALE sono il progetto nato dai 2 Alessandro dei supersonic nella metà del 2005; Dopo poco tempo sono state composte molte canzoni dalla ricetta è semplice: melodie orecchiabili sin dal primo ascolto con influenzebrit-indie-rock, il tutto condito da una varietà di stile delle canzoni che vanno dalle ballate lente a veri e propri pezzi punk-rock.Verso la fine dell’anno è stato registrato un demo che li potesse fare accedere ad importanti concorsi (da ricordare la vittoria nella tappa veneta dell'auditiontour2006 e la conseguente finale nazionale a Terni del DBMUSICZONE2006, la vittoria del rana musik events 2007) e locali per esibire il repertorio dal vivo; inoltre la band si è fatta conoscere anche nel web mettendo on-line dapprima “Let’s go out”, poi “roundabout” ed infine “Don’t cry” che anticipa l’uscita del demo “learning to fly”(giugno 2006).Le ultime copie di "Learning to fly" contenente 8 canzoni è in "svendita" (:)) a soli 5€!_______________________________________________________ _________The SCOTCH ALE are the project been born by the 2 Ale of "supersonic" in the 2005; After little time they have been composed a lot of songs with a simple recipe: catchy melodies since the first listening with brit-Indie-rock influences, the everything seasoned by a variety of style of the songs that go from the slow ballads to the punk-rock. At the end of the year they recorded a CD; besides the band also is made to know in the web putting at first “Let's go out” on-line , then “roundabout” and finally “Don't cry” that anticipates the exit of the demo “learning to fly”(giugno 2006). The last copies of "Learning to fly" container 8 songs is in "sale" (:)) to only 5€!

My Interests


Member Since: 12/18/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Alessandro Favaro - vocal;Alessandro Andreetta - second voice and lead guitar;Alberto Cibin - guitar;Andrea Carnio - bass;Eric Battistuzzi - drums.
Influences: Brit-Indie-Rock

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Sounds Like: Kasabian - Killers - Placebo - Ash - Embrace
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

SO CONFUSED (acustic - demo)

A new song for you.It isnt'n in any offial cdIt's only the last present before the new rock songs of the new EP..Stay Tuned!!!
Posted by scotch ale on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 06:34:00 PST

2007-2008 Plan

Hi Guys, here attached the next future of the band...after this summer (and this relative silence!:)). - end of september: So confused (acustic demo version) on-line on the site!!! - october: Beginnin...
Posted by scotch ale on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 12:11:00 PST

DON’T CRY - new EP promo version!!

Yes, it's a big risk to say that...but we really think that SCOTCH ALE is the best band now!but i hope you'll think the same when you'll listen our new song...Cos we never had listened a song beautifu...
Posted by scotch ale on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 02:56:00 PST

First pics of the new EP record session

It's always a big emotion to come back into the studio... Tou can see news images in our pics!
Posted by scotch ale on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 04:43:00 PST

Thanks Albe...Scotch Ale are searching a new Bassist/Guitarist

..> Thanks Albe...Scotch Ale are searching a new Bassist/Guitarist It's a bad news, but we respect his chooise...Alberto, one our our guitarist is leaving the band. It's only a personal chooise, c...
Posted by scotch ale on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 10:01:00 PST

Sorry 4 our silence...we'll come back soon!!!

This blog because i saw a lot of mails... This month we're not ready to answer soon like the time ago. It's not because we wouldn't, it's a pleasure, honour for us! it's only because we are worki...
Posted by scotch ale on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 04:59:00 PST

Cornetto free music festival

La band è stata selezionata per partecipare alla selezione finale che porterà sul palco del Cornetto Free music festival! Un'altra loro pagina è presente su e...speriamo bene! ...
Posted by scotch ale on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 05:24:00 PST

and the winners are...SCOTCH ALE!!!

19-05-07 - Santa Lucia di Piave. After the good gig of 2 nights ago, the bands wins in the final-night. When comments and photos of the night will be avaible, all will be put on-line!! stay...
Posted by scotch ale on Sun, 20 May 2007 01:09:00 PST

5.5.07 - LIVE @ ZION...wonderful!!!

Enjoy yourself with scotch ale pure rock'n roll at its best. Videos coming soon right on this site. Trackilist: 1. Fly 2. Roundabout 3. i'm going out 4. don't cry 5. a new life 6. rollover dj (cover)...
Posted by scotch ale on Sun, 06 May 2007 04:53:00 PST

Learning to fly tour

- 16 feb @greenwich pub, curtarolo, PD- 02 mar @musical box, Verona- 26 mar @sonny boy, san vendemmiano, TV- 02 apr @sonny boy (poprock contest), san vendemmiano, TV- 05 may @ Inverness...
Posted by scotch ale on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 02:53:00 PST