Tristess Zine profile picture

Tristess Zine

Punk, Metal & Grind Fanzine

About Me

Tristess Zine is a swedish underground punk/metal fanzine that has been running since 2005 sometime. We review mostly punk, metal and grind but are mostly into the punkscene but we review everything that is send to us so don't hesitate to send us your demo, zine or what it now is that you want us to review. Just mail us and we send you the adress. The zine is written in Swedish but that hasent stopped foreign band from sending us review material so why should it stop you? ;-)
Bands we have interviewed in earlier issues:
Skabbsaft - Swedish punkrock
Havoc - Finnish Death Metal
Stainz Stämmband - Swedish punkrock
DH Pamoash - Swedish "poo-poo" punk
Massgrav - Swedish hardcore/fastcore
Babianröv - Swedish punkrock/hardcore
Static Scenskräck - Swedish troubadour/guitarr music with punklyrics
Minister Död - Swedish hardcore
Dia Psalma - Swedish punk/rock something
Civil Olydnad - Swedish punkrock
Krigshot - I guess you heard about them, 80s inspired hardcore
Distake - The name says it all
Disprocess - One of the best bands ever emerged from Stockholm!
Seramenth - Finnish black metal
Penile Suffocation - Swedish humourgrind
For more info about this fanzine please visit our homepage: Tristess Zine
Or you could just ask me here on myspace!

My Interests

Going to gigs
Getting Drunk

I'd like to meet:

All punks and metalfreaks that i have contact with over the net!


Thrash Metal
Death Metal
Black Metal
Grind Core
And stuff like that


Science Fiction



My Blog

Köp Tristess på repulsive records!

För er Stockholmare som är lata och inte vill betala porto kan jag glädja er med att man nu kan köpa nya nummret på Repulsive Records i Karlberg.   Så spring iväg till Stockholms bästa skivbutik ...
Posted by Tristess Zine on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 04:39:00 PST

Nummer 4 ute nu!

Nya nummret har äntligen släppts! Beställt det genom att kontakta oss här på myspace eller på [email protected]...
Posted by Tristess Zine on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 02:37:00 PST

Nya numret ute snart!

Vi har börjat bli färdiga med allt material till nya numret så förhoppningsvis ska vi ha allt klart till slutet av månaden! Så det är bara att hålla tummarna och hoppas på att det inte blir några förs...
Posted by Tristess Zine on Tue, 08 May 2007 11:08:00 PST

Ads in tristess?

Do you want to put an ad in the next issue of Tristess Zine? Then just mail it to me and i will try to put it in the zine. However we can't promise that it will be there, the ads will be put in the z...
Posted by Tristess Zine on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 04:07:00 PST