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The wife to His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I
King of Kings of Ethiopia.“Princess Mrs (Woizero) now Empress Menen was born in March 25, 1883 in Wollo province Ambassel Region at ‘Egua’ area from her father ‘Jantirar’ Asfaw and her Mother ‘Woizero’ Sehin Michael.She was baptized in St Delba George Church. Her Christian name was ‘Wolete Giorgis’. Her name ‘Menen’ is given for the most beautiful respected ladies.Empress Menen was married to H.I.M.Emperor Haile Selassie I for over 47 years and they had 6 children together. She respectfully had 4 children from a previous marriage. His and Her Majesty have several grandchildren and great-grand children.On November 2, 1930, when His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I ascended the throne of Ethiopia as King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elect of God, and True Light of this World, he was not alone. Empress Menen was at his right hand, and was crowned Queen of Queens shortly after. His Majesty thought so highly of his wife,that this was the first time in history that a King and Queen were crowned at the same time. When Emperor Haile Selassie I ordered that his Queen be crowned at the same time as himself, he broke with centuries-old traditions and set a new precedent for how women were to be viewed in Ethiopia and throughout the African Diaspora. When the 72 invited nations bowed down before the Emperor, they also bowed before Empress Menen. Empress Menen and Emperor Haile Selassie I are both of the King Solomon and Queen of Sheba lineage. Their coronations were seen by The Rastafari movement as a fulfilment of prophecy, and are exalted as King Alpha and Queen Omega, the beginning without an end. Empress Menen is worshiped as the Mother of Creation and provides a strong role model for Rastafari women.
Her education was consistent with the Ethiopian tradition for girls at the time,and despite her own modest education, Empress Menen championed many causes related to education in Ethiopia. She founded a school for girls and was known for donating money to various educational causes. On May 28, 1926, she made a significant financial contribution to an effort to construct schools for poor children and freed slaves. She also opened many technical centres for women, including a nursing school in Asmara, which bears her name.Her love for education was second only to her love for her creator. She was baptised in the Orthodox Ethiopian Christian Church. Empress Menen spent a great deal of time in prayer, and a great deal of her personal money building and renovating churches. During the Italian invasion, many churches were devastated and she spent a great deal of time, resources and energy seeing that they were rebuilt.On July 30, 1911, she married Emperor Haile Selassie I, then Ras Tafari, in a traditional wedding ceremony. The Emperor has said of Empress Menen that "She is a kind woman; in her nature, she is a total stranger to cruelty and offensiveness. We have lived since our marriage through years of good and ill fortune by sharing together our happiness as well as our sorrows."These sorrows were many, as the Royal family of Ethiopia faced a great deal of trials and tribulations.
In 1935 when the fascist forces of Italy invaded Ethiopia, Empress Menen played a key role in organising the women of Ethiopia to provide aid for wounded soldiers. She was also instrumental in organising the women of the world to speak out against war and it's horrific realities. In a speech to the World Women's Association in 1936 she stated, "We know that all Italian mothers and barren women may worry about the war, since war is good for nothing. Therefore, all women found in the world should prevent the war before it brings trouble and distress. They should collaborate their voice and request to avoid the war before the bloodshed comes on both sides.""Queen Empress Menen is the one who is the most beatiful naturally..Queen Menen is kind,humane,and god fearing.She is always with the people,she share's there problems and finds solutions.Queen Menen stretches out her hands to the poor so that all Ethiopians like her very much....in the history of Ethiopia no rulers have ever been blessed with so many children and grandchildren,which help to strengthen the dynasty,except the King of Kings Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen....she has accomplished many humane deeds and charity.This kindness has categorized her among sacred women. Elders,monks and priests in the church are witnesses for her sacred deeds.Upon her passing,the words of H.I.M. Haile Selassie I- "All of you knew her well but she was more intimately known by I. She was devoutly religious and did not lose her faith even in the time of hardship. During the memorable days of Our companionship We never had differences that needed the intervention of others. As Sarah was to Abraham, so was she obedient to I. Our wishes were mutual until we were separated by the Almighty. Her assistance for the good of the young, the old and the needy requires no testimony for they are greater than thoughts and words."
"We have been extremely pleased to live long enough in the perfect union that enabled us to see our offspring, our grandchildren and our great grandchildren. We are thankful to the Almighty for having vouchsafed to us that long uninterrupted union which is not very common in the world today: There could be no more profound prayer for I to utter."AS IS HIS MAJESTY... EMPRESS MENEN IS ETERNAL.