Gambling, playing cards like Big 2, drawing, tennising, playing my flute and piano, going to Barnes and nobles, wii mii and enjoying sleeping, eating, and relaxing...more to follow if you asked me =)
I would like to meet intelligent and beautiful people, like Meng and Jun Xi.
Breaking Benjamin, Seether (Fade Away), Nirvana, Chevelle, Staind, Smashing Pumpkins, Jimmy Eat World, Muse, The Killers, Incubus, Linkin Park, OneRepublic, Lil Wayne, 2pac, T.I., Young Jeezy and Big L
The Sweetest Thing, Just Like Heaven, Richie Rich, It's a Beautiful Life[the Italian version] and MI3
CNN, and Ugly Betty!
The Wisdom Book: The Four Agreements, Mandeville's Fable of the Bees, The Power of Now, and Stumbling on Happiness.
Meng Xi; my perfect and lovely cousin who has everything and who wants MORE if that was possible. My father; the man in my life I love him!