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I am here for Friends

About Me

If you know me personally, or live in Michigan; click here.
Read my blogs here.
&; I'm Katie. I'm all kinds of retarded. I'm vulgar and obscene, I'm cordial and polite. I'm sympathetic towards some, indifferent towards others. I can't stand waiting in lines, or crowded places. I talk too much for most people's liking. I'm too often told I'm too nice. Oh well. I wear a lot of makeup sometimes, and I don't care if you don't like it. There are very few people who appreciate my quirky personality. I'm confused about my entire life. I've got skeletons in my closet, just like you and everyone else. Don’t ask for my advice, I don’t have the answers. I live life in avoidance of reality. Don't tell me that I'm 'scene' or 'emo', you're fucking stupid. Don't make me kick you in the teeth, you dumb fuck. When people meet me, they always ask if I have extensions. Go ahead and feel my hair, it's real. I tend to screw people over; most sincerely unintentionally. I'm hypocritical and contradictory in every single way. I worry about every possible, minute detail of my life. I like things the way I like them, and I don't like to change. I have a hard time trying new things, but I've been getting a lot better about that lately. I'm not perfect. I've made more mistakes than you'll ever know, and I keep making them. I'm human. Just like you. And the most difficult moment in my entire life was watching the person who gave me life, breathe the last ragged breaths of theirs.
&; You delve a little deeper.
I've sat down on this curb and thought awhile, got back up and walked a mile, and realized it's just a constant cycle. I try so hard to fix everyone else's life, while mine crumbles to dust right before my eyes. So eventually I give up, and stop caring. I sit down on the curb and tell everyone to fuck off. I push away those closest to me, and most of the time they don't come back, I go back to them, because my fear of being alone is deeper than my fear of failure. I crawl back to people and situations that are bad for me, because they feel good sometimes and I talk myself into believing that those few good times outweigh the many bad ones. But to be completely honest, they don't.
Don't think you'll be able to use me as the excuse for your relationships falling apart, for your life becoming unmanageable. You fight with someone for some completely stupid and utterly pointless reason, and it escalates into a huge ordeal. When you've run out of excuses for the way that you've acted and the things that you've said, you turn to your last resort; me. Does my existence ruin your life? Not really, I'm not even bothering you. But you tell everyone I am. It's not my fault, okay?
I'm the type of person that doesn't give up on people, even when they give up on me. Once you've come into your own place inside my heart, you're stuck there with an infinite amount of the world's strongest super glue. You can't unstick yourself, and neither can I.
I have a really odd personality. I'll be the shyest person you'll ever meet. I'll hide when I'm afraid of you, and I'll forget how to speak English at times. Then once I get to know you, I am the stupidest, happiest, most genuine and affectionate person towards you. I love my friends more than anything, and I'm the kind of person who always listens, that you can call day or night with your problems. I'll try to help you. I might succeed, I might fail horribly and make everything worse. I'm only human. My laugh is kind of like a disease, hang around too long and you'll catch it. It's this annoying, high pitched squeaky squeal thing that makes my ears bleed. I can't help it. Kelsey says I hiccup weird too. Oh well.
Have you ever had the unexplainable urge to just cut yourself open and take a look at your insides? I sometimes have that feeling. I want to open myself up and examine everything about my body that makes my heart beat, my blood race, my soul ache.
The things I've said, the things I've done, the places I've been, and all that I have seen have helped shape the person I am today. I'm not who I want to be. I'm still figuring it all out. I want to be myself. When I find out who that person is; I'll let you know. Until then just be content with the person I am, and don't wait around for the person I am yet to become. You might be waiting forever. If you asked me right now, this very second, who I am, it’s most likely I wouldn’t be able to answer you, because the truth is; I have no clue. Some days I wake up in the morning with this notion in my head, that I’ve got it all figured out; I know exactly who I am and what the world is all about. Then some sudden, completely out of the blue occurrence shatters my entire foundation on which I stand, and my feet fall out from under me and I spiral down and down, back to the real world; a world I will never understand.
I think the worst part about finding out someone lied to you, is realizing you weren't worth knowing the truth. I tend to put faith in people too easily. I give people my trust and my complete loyalty, without thinking twice about all prior experiences and reasons why this is really a terrible idea. Then what do you know? Someone I trust always lets me down, always screws me over; and I get reminded again of how I shouldn't trust anyone. Thanks for everything.
Honestly…I’d be lying if I said I was so different from any of you, because in truth I’m probably a lot like you. I don’t try to be, and I don’t care if I am or not. I’m not looking to fit in, and I’m not looking to stand out. I’m just trying to get by in life. I would ask you not to judge me based off my looks, my style, my musical preferences, or the people I hang out with…but what’s the point? You probably already have a preconceived notion in your head about me. So go ahead and judge me.
I have a hard time holding decent conversations with people, because I find most people to be lacking a high enough level of conversational skill to satisfy my intellectual needs. So do me a favor? Be midly interesting and thought provoking with conversation directed towards me. "What's up?" Nothing. "How are you?" I'm fine, thanks. Be creative. And whatever you do, don't ask me, "So, what do you want to talk about?" Ix nay.
&; This is my life. I'm trying to think of something to say that describes this part of me. It's so hard to find words.
You are my whole world, inside of out. I owe you everything, and yet you take nothing from me, all you do is give a reason to wake up in the morning. You know me better than any other.
I would give anything to see you smile. Your laughter heals my aching heart. Thank you for being there when everyone else walked out on me.
Denny, I love you. That's a promise that no one can break.
&; Rest In Peace. Lacy Lee Peck
March 10, 1954 - December 11, 2006

My mommy was an amazing woman. She used to be my best friend. There is so much a mother has to teach her children about life. I know I didn't learn everything my mom ever meant to teach me, but what I did learn; I treasure. I will carry with me those "life lessons" forever. The bond I shared with her, is impossible to ever share with another. Between mother and child, there exists an unexplainable, intangible connection. Not in your entire life will you realize that connection exists, until it's broken. When that happens; the emptiness, loneliness, loss, and longing that you feel is overwhelming. Mommy, I love you more than words could ever express, and I miss you with each waking moment, and each dragging day. I'm sorry for all that I've done, I hope you've forgiven me now. I love you.
You know, everyone has been telling me to get over the loss of my mom, to move on with my life or whatever, yet the people who sit there and say such things have never lost anyone close to them, and they have no idea how it feels to have to face each day with the cold realization the one person you thought would live forever...is gone. I was convinced as a child that my mom was going to always be there, I mean, I NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS imagined she could die; it just wasn't possible. But she did. She's gone, and I think every day about all the time I ever wasted being angry or being a horrible child. I was never who my mom wanted me to be, sometimes I tried to be, but most of the time I just didn't care, and now I regret so much of what I've done.
I hate when I hear people say shit like, "I hate my mom, she's such a fucking bitch. Why doesn't she just go die?" You will regret that some day, every thing like that you will say. No matter how much you think you 'hate' her, you'll never realize how much she means to you, until she's gone. And then you'll realize how much you actually loved her, but it'll be too late to say you're sorry.

My Interests

Click here to read my blog about my mom.

I miss you Mommy.

A week later...December 18
It was so hard to believe last week had really happened.

Two weeks later...December 25
The first Christmas of my entire life without you. It's never going to be special again. You were all that made it special to me.

Three weeks later...January 1
The first day of the 'new year' and all I am is sick with missing you.

Four weeks later...January 8
I miss you so much. I cried today, almost as much as I cried the day you died. And it just doesn't get any easier to know that you're not here.

Five weeks later...January 15
I still count the days, it's been 35. I still count the weeks, the hours, the minutes. I've been trying so hard to recall you, but my memories are fading. I want to hear your laughter. I miss you so much I think I can't stand it.

I'd like to meet:


*Not definite if attending.

Jan. 20: *Grind/Thrash Show @ Skelletones. 5pm.
w/ Angelic Vomit, Rogers Met An Iranian, Humataria, Winter Sets Fire, Putrid Warrior, The Crowned Virgin.

Jan. 26: *Vigilantes Show @ Skelletones. 5pm.
w/ Prizzy Prizzy Please, Kentucky Nightmare, One Man's Army.

Jan. 27: La Dispute Show @ The DAAC. 6pm?
w/ Ivan.

February 28: 17th Birthday & Amber Pacific Show @ Skelletones. 5pm.
w/ Paulson, Daphne Loves Derby, Waking Ashland.

March 3: 17th Birthday Party. Location to be determined.

Eggnog is my baby.


I love them.
This is one of the few people here that's been a true, consistent friend. Kelsey is always there for me, and she's done a great deal to be there at times I needed her most. We've shared the most amazing times, we've made the craziest of memories together, we've got the stupidest stories to tell about all the things we've done. To be honest, I've never met anyone else like her, and I know I'll never meet anyone to compare. There are so many qualities I see in her, that I wish I could see myself. She is my best friend, and I won't let ever let her go. Sometimes we argue, about really stupid things, but we easily get over them, because it's too hard to stay mad at one another. I would go to Africa and back in the stomach of a Humpback Whale just to see my Kelseykins happy. Don't fuck with my soul mate, or I will two step all over your fucking vital organs after I've ripped them from your bloody corpse.
I love this girl so much. She's my closest friend that I go to school with, and we spend a hell of a lot of time together. She's been there, and gotten me through some tough shit. We always have so much fun together, and I trust her with everything. We're a lot alike, yet very different. I love falling asleep in her bed while watching Brokeback Mountain, and the fact that we buy cheap ass sunglasses at the dollar store that don't fit, just because we thought they were cute. I love how we gangta rap in her car with the seats back, and that we kill 40 piece McNuggets like it's nobody's business. I don't like it when you take my napkins away, but I know you were just trying to help. Dani you always make me laugh, and I'm so happy to have met you that night in Greg's polebarn.
I've gotten to know this person, more than I ever thought I would get to know him, to be completely honest. I've found a mirror image of myself in parts of him. He's done more for me than you can imagine. He's tried harder to help me than most people would ever try. He's one of the few people that truly notices when something isn't right with me, and he makes me laugh uncontrollably with his ridiculous voice mails about 'things that run.' I know I don't get to see you a lot Trevor, but the times I do, I cherish. I love you and I'm always here for you, no matter what.
So there's this person that came into my life awhile ago, and his name is Robert. Yeah, Robert. What to say about him? Where do I start? I'll start by saying I love him, dearly and deeply. He's one of the very very few people who can talk me out of the stupid shit I get into my head to do. He's real with me, and I'm real with him. I trust him, and I hope he trusts me back. There is so much I wish I could say and do to make things alright, but I'm not a magician. I truly don't have the answers, but if I did, this would be the first person I'd pass a note to in class with them all written down in black and white. He makes me laugh when I'm about to cry, he makes me angry for stupid reasons, and then keeps apologizing until I smile ridiculously. He makes me think about things, and I can be myself with him. There is a lot I want to say to you Robert, but sometimes there just aren't words. I love you. I'll always be here to sing gay ass songs to you when you need to hear them.
This is my girlfriend. Taylor is the cutest, most adorable Ethiopian ever. She's a tough ass nigga and she doesn't take people's shit. She hates being called little, so don't bring that nigga tribe nonsense to her doorstep. Taylor is always there for me, she just sort of gets me in a really strange way. I've never known her to leave me a voicemail that wasn't a 954395934 minutes long 'knee-slapper.' We've actually been through quite a lot together, and I'm very grateful for all the times she's sat there and listened to me pour my heart out to her, and she's never judged me for it.
Josh is an asshole, that's something I'm never supposed to forget. He's the world's biggest dick and he treats people like shit, he has no feelings and he doesn't give a fuck. Now that I've got all that nonsense out of the way, I must say that Josh is one of the most brilliant, amazing, and truest people I've ever known. He's helped me through a lot of tough shit in my life, and unfortunetly he always knows exactly what to say to make me look at something in a different light. He's changed my life, whether it's for better or worse I can't say. I found out rather quickly that he's one of the few people you'll ever meet that says their always right, and means it. He's never wrong. It kind of sucks actually, there's no arguing with him.
&: Boys.
He makes me laugh..a lot. It's pretty embarrassing actually. He's right, we talk about a lot of stupid stuff, and I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm retarded because I talk to Eggnog so much. But he's really nice to me, and I like that he's so easy to talk to. I hope we get to hang out soon.
This kid is like my gay brother. Except he's not gay, and he's not my brother. We hang out at lunch and bug the crap out of each other. He never has gum when I want it, and always offers it when I don't want it. He tells Kelsey how I slap him and make him drop his chicken, when really he's just retarded and must put vasoline on his hands or something.
Jesse is a filthy, rotten cat napper, but he's pretty fun to hang out with. Kelsey and I are basically the supreme authority in his life. We tell him to go somewhere, and he goes. He's whipped. (Jaykay smile Jesse). I was scared to touch his hair the first time I met him, and now I'm totally okay with screwing it up completely.
Ross is Ross. That's kind of all there is to say. He's a pretty badass person to talk to, but he's kind of gay sometimes. He thinks it's funny when I get hurt, and he hates my laugh. Join the club you old codger, go break a hip or something.
Nathan is pretty fricken cool. He raps like you would not believe. His enthusiam makes me fall in love with songs like Smack That. And he prank calls me with the alias Kreudson Phillips. It's hilarious.
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My Blog

don't blame me for your problems.

So, everyone basically uses me as the excuse for their relationshipsfalling apart, for their lives becoming unmanageable. You fight withsomeone for some completely stupid and utterly pointless reason,...
Posted by .abckatie" on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 09:54:00 PST

the truth about losing my best friend. my mom.

I'm one to dwell on things, no matter how hard I may find this at times to admit. I don't let go. I don't let the past be in the past. I hold on, desperately clinging to every last shred of my former ...
Posted by .abckatie" on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 05:00:00 PST

these past few weeks have been AMAZING! [pictures galore!]

You know how we do.Most recent pictures arranged first.Another Weekend with Kelseykins (November 3rd, 4th, and 5th)Yet another weekend spent with Kelsey. I know what you're thinking, "Not a suprise th...
Posted by .abckatie" on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 06:02:00 PST