Medieval history,auto racing,gaming of almost any type.
Take the "How Do You Use Magic?" test! Written by Brimo
Joey Diamonds
People Iced: Fourteen
Car Bombs Planted: Sixteen
Favorite Weapon Curdled Milk
Arms Broken: Twelve
Eyes Gouged: Twenty Five
Tongues Cut Off: One
Biggest Enemy: Backseat Borris
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Everything from Billy Joel to Metallica. But no hip-hop.
Which Werewolf: the Apocalypse Tribe do you belong to?
You are built to survive anything the world can throw at you. You are proud and noble. You are also very bitter, mainly because your people have been slaughtered (ie - Trail of Tears.)
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ER,CSI,Sports & random comedy shows.
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Sci-fi & fantasy.
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Police officers & military personel. You never know how much you need them until they save your ass.