i just love DELIVERY BOYS!!!!! gosh, they always bring the biggest packages along. their parents raised them well.....just like how i'm raising my johnny. ok...lets get back to some interests that doesn't revolve around sex, men, and johnny. (gosh, i should've tried out for sex and the city with peter makepeace.we totally would've made it) i...just...looooooove.... TOMATOES!! i love CATORSHKII: that's potato in russian (i shud teach johnny some russian, since he's mysteriously got russian blood in him. don't ask me how, i'm not a damn scientist!!ask dr. suess!!) and my babushka : that's gramma in russian - doy!!! but most of all...my fishikun!! if u knew me well, u would understand ...and vuala!!!!
someone out there who is willing to take in my little johnny. he needs a pop, really. the guys at the gay strip club aren't so bad with him, but they take the mommy role, and that's my part!!!whoever's out there had better be rich so i can escape to north korea and afghanistan from those ruddy american police oficers. don't they understand that i'm too good for them? i think one of those guys must be johnny's daddy, cuz i didn't use latex when i seduced that man to run away from my last crime. i kicked the mayor in teh crotch cuz he was a damn republican. but gosh, don't i have freedom of speech? well, forget the speech part: i was just expressing my beliefs that his pants were too tight. he needs to go to banana republic cuz that's where all the hotties find the perfect pants to fit their overly large bananas.
interesante mucho desune... willie's klicku song: goolu kimetai, gooulu kimetai, demo kulikku tabetai, kulikku tabetai, bekkamusan wa goulu kimetaaai... "mou kurakura" indian music cuz you know i like bellydancing, but it's hard if ur skinny. but i'm 40lbs so i'll manage. after all, i AM on a diet. i love j-pop!! i just love japanese... music+japanese=my taste oyogu taiakikun and toriton!!!!! ohohohoho (ayasama warai) jeez hanakuso!!! no...rap rocks!! so what if they're all about sex, you enjoy the sex part!!! how do you think babies are born??? actually, mommy tomoko told me that babies pop out of the momies after people get married....i learned about this process in college(kids, don't go... u have to share dorms with drunkards and pay a BUTT-load of money, so it's totally not worth it. trust me, i have experience) but kids, don't feel discouraged...i first thought a condom was a bird. who ever knew seamon WASN'T a plant??ok, back to rap... i love japanese rap too, i wanna be a rapper when i grow up.heyheyhey!!!, listen to my rap song:yoyoyo, kamonn beibei, chekeraccho!!omg when i was wrapping re-gifted presents, my cuz told me "wow, your such a good rapper." he changed my whole life, that little nobusuke!
ok.. this is my favooooooorite subject... i love indian movies like a BUTT-load. those indian girls are so beautiful... they look just like me!!! but the only problem is... why are the main indian boys so BUTT-ugly??!!! normal indian boys are so adorable, and they just had to pick the BUTT-faced 50yearolds to fall in love with 20 yearold chicks. all those guys look older than their BUTT-head daddies!!! gosh, i really wanted johnny to turn out indian, cuz all those indian boys are so cute.... (slurp) oops!! i better not get excited, or next they'll send the indian police after me. first the americans, now the indians?? what is their BUTT-stupid problem?? watch those BUTT-crackers when i escape to indonesia...hahaha!! i'll crack up a BUTT-load for sure!!! ok... and i forgot to include one other thing...BATTLEROYAL!! gosh, i never want to watch that with peter makepeace.... he tricked poor hanakuso into watching a rated-r movie....(you know that, kukssochi,she's so sensitive) pete's favorite character is that mitsuko.he was frickin laughing evytime she got blood on her shirt!!?? and he was laughing a BUTT-load when she chopped off a guy's head...is this movie supposed to be a comedy, peter?? i don't think so!!!......................BUTT!!
honestly.. does it really matter whether i watch television or not? 90% of america is brainwashed because of these boxes. americans, please do more research. i guess i'm the only smart person who cares about america's future. but of course, i I smuggled to Ukraine this year, so i forgot about america long ago. but i reeaali wanna watch sex and the city with peter m. we're like the sex/city combo. SCORE!! besides, why should i care when that damn Texan (he's named after a shrub??) is lying to us about spying on americans!!!!! all you idiots out there, don't you understand he's lying!!!! the same way dogs pee on bushes, you do too. of course, i always spy on hot gay guys all the time (drool), but that's a different story, so lets leave that aside.
ok... i don't read books without pictures... so that basically just leaves us with MANGA!!!! ok... i loove.. GINTAMA!!! i'll name my daughter that cuz i haven't named her for 3 years. but it's such a hard dicision, so i'll need some more time to think about it. my other favorite comic is NANA, except i hate that "natalia". is she a russian babushka or what?? those boobs have got to come from the french. and that "sasha" needs to grab that 100yen knife and cut takumi's throat. if she doesn't eventually, i'll tell the media that his real name is "napoleon dynamite". japanese reporters will believe anything they hear, just like all the 21st century bitches. oops, johnny's hear. "honey, bitch means 'aishiteru', ok?" good, glad we made that clear. i also looove hana yori dango. me and willie have the exact same tastes. he makes me proud. he and i both like domyoji!!! he's like my twin... god, i think i'lll trade yui for willie, but you know that little squirt hanakuso, she's so damn protective. she already has her own son, dunky, and yet she keeps hitting on johnny. and she needs to borrow her own birthcontrol pills. does she call herself a mother?smuggling off to canada like that... honestlly!!!
lets see ... heroes... my number one hero..... me. but hmmm the secondary heroes are ampanman(teehee), dr. suess, batman, hanakuso(kusocchi) makepeace, hide , hiroshi(?), willie kant makepeace, bekkamu -san and his kurlikku. ok... now the heroines...KEISUKE-chan!!!!(keipoo) ara, keichan? ribbon naoshinasai! mei-chan nomitaini ochikake teruwayo. mattaku...kaasan, nanndomo chuui shitemo iukoto kikanaindakara. e? chotto, nani sono "cheerleading outfit" wa? konna asappara kara? and how can i ever forget....mayachan!!!actually, she's more of a maya-kun and should be a hero, not a heroine, but o well, she's got a feminine side like willie i guess....oo that little suckewr!! maya chan, she's my koinobori buddy!!! we fight the koinobori gangu of evil together with our koinobori pantsu! o, adn maya, incase ur reading this to make sure ur my koinobori hero, don't worry about ur butt getting smaller, cuz it's the perfect size (slurp) eveyone wants a bite out of those apple bottoms (drool) chotto, hiromi-chan no oshirini nitekita? maya no oshiri no houga miryoku teki yonn!!!! chu! ...o yea... and one of my favorite heroines....UEETO AYA-chan!!! amazing....we have the same name!!!! wait.....no!! she copied me!!! i'm 33 now(but of course, all women lie about their age) so she could easily copy me!!! arghh!! i'm sorry willie-chan, but she's not my heroine anymore...i know..i know... don't' yell at me like that...i'm sorry!!!! but she copied me...i'm sure you'd understand....ouch!! keep your hands and feet to yourself!!... i know we had the same perfect taste...always....since we were little kids....remember the time you pulled my hair over a barbie doll?? DAMN YOU!! that was my FAVORITE doll!!!! i don't mind about u tugging my hair(i mean, its just HAIR after all...) since i was just crying for attention.... but did you have to take my barbie??you know what willie, take your kulikku!! i don't want it anymore!!!! (pow!) o wait...one more bite...