My intersts are in drawing, poems, horses, cermics and the Dallas Cowboys
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I'd like to meet someone that is laid back and easy going. In addition, someone that don't look at a person's appearance but deeper in the soul. Also someone that will get me out in the real world more. tell more later
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What type of Vision do you project to others? (beautiful pictures)
Beauty: Self-conscious
To others you may come off as self-conscious. Excessively concerned with your appearance or just ill at ease. My advice is to just stop worrying and just forget about what everyone think just for one day, it will help you realize that other peoples opinions doesnt creates your happiness, so do for yourself and no one else.
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What Is Your Inner Desire?
you love everyone. you are a great lover and you like to love and be loved.
How do you compare?
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R&B SOUL can listen to anything but have to be in certain enviroment. For example, Playing pool has to be country or rock n roll
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Blockbusters Love 'em
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Love Love 'em
More Stuff Great!
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.. FLIXSTER MCT RESULTS END -I am a SciFi type of person
I like action also
..ive movies
What dark emotion are you??? (anime pics)
Your...a fighter
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I love watching Muntant X, Fear factor, X-Files, and etc.
Any book by S.E Hinton
What is your fate?? ((With pics))
Die peacfully/Go to Heaven
As you probably know, you are a very good person. Chances are, you'll die in a very peacful way at a fairly old age. Probably in your sleep. Because of your desire to help people and nurturing traits, you will be a top candidate for heaven. It won't be long before you get your wings and progress up the lader of angels. Who knows? Maybe one day God will die and you'll replace him. Ya' neva' know.
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My mother is my main hero. My secondary hero is Goofy. Then it is Shawn that works in the meat department at my store.
Which Horror Movie Are You?
The Silence Of The Lambs
You're a thinker, a creator, and a very psychological person. You enjoy learning about other people, whether it is to befriend them, or to destory them. You take pride in being you, although you sometimes can get fed up with even yourself. You're an extremely intelligent person, but don't let your mind get the best of you. You're smarter than you think.
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Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.