Dr. Limbo profile picture

Dr. Limbo

Sand rains down and here I sit...Holding rare flowers in a tomb...

About Me

Keeping a different perspective on life. Seeing what's inside before anything else. Eye contact is key. Metaphysical realities that most dismiss as imagination or mental illness. All the things I see, hear, and think force me to keep going, even though I just want them to stop and leave me be. I wish everyone could see life through my eyes, and live life inside a vessel like mine but then the world would be perfect and who wants that. I play music and I am recording my own personal side project as well as looking into other bands and projects that could use my particular talents. I go to school as well. I am currently going to collage to learn more about the metal health/substance abuse field. I have extended knowledge and background in this area and would one day like to help others who suffer from metal illness or substance abuse issues. But on the other hand I would like to get back to what I do best, fronting a loud ass band and traveling around the country with no responsibilities or anything to hold me back. I love music and can only stay away for so long.... I am also writing a book about a teenage drugged out musician who dabbles in the occult and suffers from mental illness and suffers from disillusions that come along with that lifestyle. I also write underground adult fantasy comic books for sick perverts like myself to read and enjoy.

My Interests

Music, Playing music, Seeing live bands, Art, Spiritual Experimentation, the Human Mind and what drive us to do what we do. Self expression. I also like to sculpt, paint, create artwork of all types. People watching! I love to travel and meet new people and enjoy this material plane we live in, cause I think all of us realize this will all soon be coming to an end...

I'd like to meet:

-Anyone else who can follow along and put up with me and is not fake and only concerned with material things. There is more to people than what they have. I judge people by what they don't have and how they seem stronger because they go on and survive without. -Any promoters or managers of bands or labels. Anyone who has space where I can show my artwork. -Anyone who needs a vocalist for their band. -A group of 3-6 attractive females who are comfortable with their sexuality to take part in my pagan sex rituals. -A band that has experience, can play tight, does not abuse narcotics, and will not decide in the middle of a 12 week tour to quit due to "personal problems".


Alice in Chains, The END, Vampire Mooose, Mastodon, Tool, Crash Worship, the Deftones, Lamb of God, NIN, Wu-Tang, Portishead, Primus, Beastie Boys, Black Sabbath, Queens of the Stone Age, Ministry, Death From Above, 1979, Mogwai, Sonic Youth. Dillinger Escape Plan. Faith NO More, Phantamos, Sleep, Baroness, so many more. Too many to name. no radio. no country. no MTV.


The Dark Crystal, Donnie Darkko, Children of Men. Lost Boys


The Shield, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Old episodes of the Muppet Show. Sopranos. Super Deluxe, Adult Swim, Venture Brothers, Other than that I think television should be erased from the History and existence. All it does is rot our brain. And bring evolution to a screeching halt.


Metaphysics. H.P Lovecraft, I really get into fantasy novels. I am a geek. I like Dungeons and Dragons. Geek Love was a great book.


The little alien who has been with me since I was 2 years old. All the doctors I have made think twice about what they learned in school. All of the rich kids who think they have it all.And the most important book in the world the DSM IV.5