AS THEY SLEEP, a five piece extreme metal band based out of Detroit Michigan, the motor city. A perfect blend of pure hatred and bottomless sorrow coupled with blistering guitars and thundering drum beats has allowed AS THEY SLEEP to devastate audiences.
In 2001, drummer Dan Fayz and original guitarist Mike started the auditioning process. After over a year and a half of searching, fate finally led them to vocalist Aaron Bridgewater, and bassist Derek Kosiba, to create what would become AS THEY SLEEP. Both Aaron and Derek agreed to leave their current projects at the time in 2003. Over the last few years, they have shared the stage with numerous national & regional acts. After one of those devastatingly brutal shows, they caught the eye of Nick Morris, guitarist and owner of CLOUD CITY STUDIOS. Nick, after seeing the bands potential and determination, then joined AS THEY SLEEP. In early 2007, the band was finally complete with the addition of guitar player Barry Gomez, who with Nick, brought the signature guitar style to this brutal metal experience...
Nick’s CLOUD CITY STUDIOS has added ATS to its portfolio along with the most brutal of national acts such as The Black Dahlia Murder and Winter Solstice (Metal Blade), Bloodlined Coligraphy (Facedown), and Walls of Jericho (Trustkill). AS THEY SLEEP continues to move forward with their up and coming debut album "Blacken the Sun", produced by Nick Morris and AS THEY SLEEP, and mastered by Brad Blackwood of Euphonic Mastering. Blacken the Sun guarantees to bring merciless, in your face metal to their fans the moment they press play…