I fancy myself an artist, but that doesn't say much. I draw, paint, and do some woodburning and carving now and then. I've been told I'm good but I think I suck bitter ass. Again, typical of an artist, I hear. Thought about going into tattooing, though. Slinging ink is easy as shit, I hear, and some old friends who were into it made it look simple enough.
Here's my
DeviantART Gallery
I also think I'm a pretty 'religious' man. Now, I know this is going to fuck with a lot of people, enough so that they'll probably stop reading right now. But it's not what you think. I've been an Asatruar since early 2003. For those of you who don't know what it is, just ask and I can fill you in. I'm currently a Wunjo initiate within formalized Vitkarian training (Which has been suspended for personal reasons) and former Hofgothi of Valksjal Kindred in Mansfield, Ohio.
Outside of the serious stuff, I'm a geek, and damn proud of it. I find that, more often than not, people who are into fantasy and sci fi are the most intelligent, imaginative and vastly innovative group of people in the world. Every geek I've ever met has a good amount of at least one of these traits. At any rate, I read a lot of fantasy novels, play video games, D&D, World of Darkness, and Magic: The Gathering whenever I have the chance.
But don't let that fool you. If you have a problem with it, I'll take that challenge on the paintball field any day. See how geeky you think I am with my balls all over your face, muppet!
I'd like to meet:
Heathens, mostly. Note that this is different from those wussy so-called "Pagans" in a lot of ways. However, I'm open to just meeting people. If they reside in Michigan, Wisconsin, or Ohio, all the better... Even moreso if they throw some paint now and again!
Woodsball: The tactical combat, guerilla warfare, mine-laying, grenade-tossing, snipe-you-from-behind-before-you-even-knew-what-happened kind of paintball!
Here's to my team back in Wisconsin: Once a Berzerker, Always a Berzerker! Miss you guys!
Don't forget to check out my DeviantArt Page!
Alice in Chains, A Perfect Circle, Atreyu, Black Label Society, Black Sabbath, Corvus Corax, Coal Chamber, Dope, Disturbed, Drain STH, Drowning Pool, Evanescence, Filter, Flaw, Garmarna, Gravity Kills, Godsmack, HIM, Incubus, Korn, Kittie, Leonard Cohen, Metallica (pre haircuts), Megadeth, Mudvayne, Nine Inch Nails, Ozzy Osbourne, Primus, Pink Floyd, Pantera, Rammstein, Rob Zombie, Static-X, Slipknot, Systematic, Staind, Stabbing Westward, Tool, Type O Negative, Twisted Method, White Zombie, and some more that I just can't think of now.
Coming Soon...eventually.
TV pretty much sucks bitter ass. Unless its a movie or a video game, fuck it.
The Poetic Edda - Translated by Lee M. Hollander
American Gods - by Neil Gaiman
The Legacy - by R.A. Salvatore
(and pretty much everything else he writes)
I'm going to add a new 'hero' (in no particular order) everytime I log on, rather than to try and list them all at once. Hey, it's incentive for you to come back and read, right?
4/03/04: My father, Danny , because he never let me down and made me into the better man I am today just by seeing him 2 weekends a month.
4/04/04: Bjarni Herjolfsson - for discovering 'America' on his way to Greenland almost 500 years before Chris Columbus. He paved the way for Lief Eiriksson's expedition - among others - into Vinland (What America SHOULD be called).
4/07/04: Sveinbjorn Beinteinsson - for founding the Asatruarmenn in Iceland in 1973. He is one of the founding fathers of the modern Asatru/Odinist movement.
4/12/04: Popeye - for his philosopher-like wisdom in saying " I am what I am." For being a real man; protector and hard worker who showed vast kindness and infinite patience to his friends, family, and loved ones while giving is enemies a swift, though merciful, beating. And for getting me to at least try spinach once.
4/14/04: Maddox from The Best Page in the Universe - for being the funniest and biggest asshole I can think of. No one can insult people like this guy. Plus he eats people - like a certain few meat-sock fuckwads I've run into so far on myspace - for breakfast. Always a bonus. =)
4/17/04: Lee M. Hollander - for his masterful translation of the Poetic Edda from Old Icelandic to Old English. Were it not for his hard work, we'd be stuck reading all these other easier-to-understand translations that are a bit off. Plus he dedicated it to his mother.
4/19/04: He-Man(1983) - For instilling those 'little viking' tendencies in me at a young age and, through emulation, giving me my second 'battle scar' from a very vicious coffee table. Up yours Skeletor!
4/26/04: Gothi Adam Wycoff - For being my brother and friend, as well as my Kennari (even though it's his job); For all that he has put me through and will put me through to better myself and prepare me for what is to come; and for getting on my ass when he needs to, like when he said to me in Spring of 2003 : "As a Gothi, it is my job to speak of the faith. You are not a Gothi yet... Don't presume to act like one and instruct others in a faith that you yourself are only just learning to understand." Stricken from the list as of 12/04
8/26/05: Týr, The Even-Handed One - For reminding me of the sacrifices we must all endure for the greater good and for reminding me to use that little thing called "better judgement".