Sports, Sports and more Sports!!! I love sports but I also enjoy alot of other thing to like.....Writting, reading, drawing. I can't forget I love doing my girly things too. Like getting my hair and nails done ect. "SHOPPING!!!"
.. Now Icons I would love to meet anyone who does comedy or if you can flat out make me laugh. Laughter is one of the things I love to do.
I love all kinds of music. Music helps me to express how I feel rather I'm down or Happy! I love R&B and Rap tho'!Oh and I LOVE TO DANCE!!! Dancing is good, real good!!!
I love all besides Sci-Fi and movies that have sequal's that use different actor's from the orignal movie. My most favorite kind of movie would have to be comedy.
I love Comedy Central!!! Mind of Mencia and Reno 911. I can't forget Viva La Bam!!! LOVE IT!!! I love cartoons too!!! The Family Guy, South Park, Adult swim also even the old school Cartoons.....TOM & JERRY!!!
I like Non-Fiction I also read the News Paper. I try to read it daily because I like to know what's goin' on in this world.
My HERO's would have to be anyone who has been through Hell and back. Meaning....A SURVIVOR through rough times!