HEy DeRe.. thanK fOr StuMbLed onTa mY blUe pAGe . FeEl FrEe To tAgGeD oN iT. i`Ll Do ThE SaMe.LeAvE a MeSsAgE aNd I`lL gEt BaCk To YoU oTaY. tAkE kArE aNd MuCh LuV aNd ReSpEct.
~AlL aBout Me~
[NAME ]:-
CiNDi is the name
be spitting game
tryn 2 make some fame
[ AGE ]:- Old enough
[ NAT ]:- Well I`m a Viet gal straight outta kali baby
[ LOCATION ]:- Drifting above in heavens skies with my beautiful angel
[STATUS ]:- Taken By someone Special =p wink wink
[ HOBBIES ]:- go online chit chat wit my long lost homie, spent time on the phone with that special person, thinkin of that person LOl wait that only wen am bored ehehe jk
[STUFF I LIKE DOING ]:- Well just kicking back and going out whenever you know...lemme see...just chillen and relaxing with my homies, and talking on the phone
[ AOL SN ] aim me here
[Height]: TaLL eNoUgH *ShOrTiE*[Hair color]: AuBuRn
[Location]: RePpIn Da 510 ArEaBaYbEeH!!!
[B-day]:ViRgO *tEhEe*
[School]: Some ColLEge
[Favorite colors]:!!! YuP!?! yUp!?! BaYBeE BlUe
~LiKes n DisLiKes~
Ju1Cy GiRL
C i N D i MiSs Y u h
[Likes]: ~ LisTenIng to KaKAOKe N shOpPiN ~"
[Dislikes]: i HaTe dEm ScRuBz dAt LeAd Us gUrLz On... dEn We fAlL FoE iT..AnD dEy TaKe OuR hEaRtZ AnD tEaR It aPaRt... Fuk aLl YaLl *SCRUBZ* WeLL HiT Me Up wHeN U GoTz Da TyMe And ReTuRn Da FavOr..iF U GoTz AIM DeN DrOp Me Down a LiNe @ BayB3s0Ju1cy iF U waNNa CHaT... WeLL ThAtS BouT It.. aItEz.. takEs KarEs.. MuCh LuV.. AnD Im OuT DeN LaTez..
AOL Instant Messanger: BayB3 s0 Ju1Cy
Yahoo! Instant Messanger: sw3tvietangel510
meMorieSz Of My CUzzIn tHUaN Ho 12-02-2003 ThANK yUH fOR DA tImE n meMoRIeS wE had sHAre HaViNG u aS mY cUzZiN iS da gREAtEsT tHiNG oUT of aLl U haS ToUCHeS mY heArT IN mANy wAyS AND eVerY lAfF sMiLE tEArz wE haD sHARE i wiLL TrEAsuRE iT NeVeR hAvE i wiLL leT u Go ~*I wIlL alWAy kepT uR SOuL iN MY hEArT*~
*510* BayBe3-s0-Ju1Cy *510*
If you live to be 100, then I want to live to be 100 minus 1 day so I never have to live without you. =)
A millions words would not bring you back, I know because I tried. Neither would a million tears I know because I cried.! .
If I could be anything I would be your tear, so I could be born in your eye, live down your cheek and die on your lips..
The WORD LOVE is so powerful & it used in many way and sorry to say in my behalf it has cause nothing but tears that come tumbling down my face, my heart had been broken. I though that love is someone who keeps you happy and stay with you no matter what, but with me it seems not to be the case. All i experienced was love that doesnt last and love that wasnt true, when i gave my whole heart to that person. Love that i thought would of make me happy, but at the end, turned out to make me feel blue. love that caused nothing but pain but i thought a heart could not stand. at the end its only memories thatleft behind which i will treasure and keep within myself.