CiNdI profile picture


Viet LAdY

About Me

~LooKiE LooKiE- It bEeH CIndI HeRe!!

HEy DeRe.. thanK fOr StuMbLed onTa mY blUe pAGe . FeEl FrEe To tAgGeD oN iT. i`Ll Do ThE SaMe.LeAvE a MeSsAgE aNd I`lL gEt BaCk To YoU oTaY. tAkE kArE aNd MuCh LuV aNd ReSpEct.
~AlL aBout Me~
[NAME ]:- CiNDi is the name be spitting game tryn 2 make some fame
[ AGE ]:- Old enough
[ NAT ]:- Well I`m a Viet gal straight outta kali baby
[ LOCATION ]:- Drifting above in heavens skies with my beautiful angel
[STATUS ]:- Taken By someone Special =p wink wink
[ HOBBIES ]:- go online chit chat wit my long lost homie, spent time on the phone with that special person, thinkin of that person LOl wait that only wen am bored ehehe jk
[STUFF I LIKE DOING ]:- Well just kicking back and going out whenever you know...lemme see...just chillen and relaxing with my homies, and talking on the phone
[ AOL SN ] aim me here
[Height]: TaLL eNoUgH *ShOrTiE*[Hair color]: AuBuRn
[Location]: RePpIn Da 510 ArEaBaYbEeH!!!
[B-day]:ViRgO *tEhEe*
[School]: Some ColLEge
[Favorite colors]:!!! YuP!?! yUp!?! BaYBeE BlUe
~LiKes n DisLiKes~ Ju1Cy GiRL
C i N D i MiSs Y u h [Likes]: ~ LisTenIng to KaKAOKe N shOpPiN ~"
[Dislikes]: i HaTe dEm ScRuBz dAt LeAd Us gUrLz On... dEn We fAlL FoE iT..AnD dEy TaKe OuR hEaRtZ AnD tEaR It aPaRt... Fuk aLl YaLl *SCRUBZ* WeLL HiT Me Up wHeN U GoTz Da TyMe And ReTuRn Da FavOr..iF U GoTz AIM DeN DrOp Me Down a LiNe @ BayB3s0Ju1cy iF U waNNa CHaT... WeLL ThAtS BouT It.. aItEz.. takEs KarEs.. MuCh LuV.. AnD Im OuT DeN LaTez.. AOL Instant Messanger: BayB3 s0 Ju1Cy

Yahoo! Instant Messanger: sw3tvietangel510

meMorieSz Of My CUzzIn tHUaN Ho 12-02-2003 ThANK yUH fOR DA tImE n meMoRIeS wE had sHAre HaViNG u aS mY cUzZiN iS da gREAtEsT tHiNG oUT of aLl U haS ToUCHeS mY heArT IN mANy wAyS AND eVerY lAfF sMiLE tEArz wE haD sHARE i wiLL TrEAsuRE iT NeVeR hAvE i wiLL leT u Go ~*I wIlL alWAy kepT uR SOuL iN MY hEArT*~
*510* BayBe3-s0-Ju1Cy *510*
If you live to be 100, then I want to live to be 100 minus 1 day so I never have to live without you. =)
A millions words would not bring you back, I know because I tried. Neither would a million tears I know because I cried.! .
If I could be anything I would be your tear, so I could be born in your eye, live down your cheek and die on your lips..
The WORD LOVE is so powerful & it used in many way and sorry to say in my behalf it has cause nothing but tears that come tumbling down my face, my heart had been broken. I though that love is someone who keeps you happy and stay with you no matter what, but with me it seems not to be the case. All i experienced was love that doesnt last and love that wasnt true, when i gave my whole heart to that person. Love that i thought would of make me happy, but at the end, turned out to make me feel blue. love that caused nothing but pain but i thought a heart could not stand. at the end its only memories thatleft behind which i will treasure and keep within myself.

My Interests

BayBe3 sO juiCy BayBe3 sO juiCy.. width="425" height="350" .. MY FAV..VIET SONG OF THE YEARZ "Chang kho thuy chung" But this 2 funie Guy actiOn It out LOl.. width="425" height="350" .. Kristine Sa - Gone By Fall Remix mp3 I scored a 99.9% on the "HOW OAKLAND ARE YOU?" Quizie! What about you?

I'd like to meet:

WhO I waNt tO MeeT
I wanna Met GuY WhO knOw Dere lImIts NeVEr Let a PusH BecOMe a shOve and ThINk Wit UR Head Not WitH DEre DIcK! Lol ShIEt U no Wut I mean





My Blog

Falling in Love

FALLING in LOVE when you think of your past love,you may view it as a failure,but when you find a new love,you view the past as a teacher;in the game of love,it doesn't really matter who won or who lo...
Posted by CiNdI on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 03:51:00 PST

my define Of LOve ...

felt kinda sad =[    dis is my define of love plzz dont jack it aka steal .............Love is being happy for the other person when they are happy being sad for the person when they a...
Posted by CiNdI on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 10:48:00 PST

8 thINg THAt PIss me Off =p

1. PeoPLe WhO ARe WiLling To GEt DEre LAzy ASs TO SEARCh THe ENTIre RoOm for THe Tv ReMOte BC THEy ReFUSe TO WAlK To tHE TV ANd chanGe the chanNEl manualLy...Dat Jus Make Me WANna SLAp Dem SIDE WAy =...
Posted by CiNdI on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 09:45:00 PST