Sonia Libertado profile picture

Sonia Libertado

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About Me

We are responsible for having the car models come out to the car shows. I like Pinatas - this says a lot about me and who I am today. My stream of consiousness, (a la' Kerouac;), is brought on by who know's what, when, or "WHAT DID YOU GIVE ME." I am admitidly in love with the 'idea'of love, and this tends to bring the naughty romantic out of me.....ya, 'Happily Ever After'...Fuhgetta About It! Everything takes effort, and some more than other's;) Perhaps I will write a manifesto from the rooftop of someone's sky scraper one day- stay tuned. I don't ever remember having a New Year's resolution, and for some strange reason I feel badly about it. I've become honest to the point of being far too blunt, sorry to those who deal with it in the name of honesty:)lol...learned my leasson's;) On a mission : EVERYONE SHOULD LOVE TO DANCE, AS I LOVE TO DANCE - I give that one to people for free, as it's the only attribute I can't truly hide about myself. The rest is a bit grey, and reserved for only the VERY privilidged few - pssst - (you know who you are). Candid; Humorous, with a special hankering for anthems of fuckwittage and poetic justice done IMPROPERLY correct. Love life, and am thankful everyday that I am able to open my eyes; Appreciate people gifted enough to make me laugh; Those who accept me just as I am, after all, I just recently accepted me for myself;)lol - and MOST of all - discovering new places, and everything that lies within and BETWEEN~
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My Interests

car models who work for free. interests in anything that makes me have any kind of emotions,going from shitty people's behaviour,to lovely,inspiring people.. mi crazy family,round tables,dancing flamenco,kick-table"inni't"!!,my tools,mi true friends,all of the manual works, making objects,accessories to objects of no-use.. seaside,fish&;chips,the laugh of my best mate,photographies,wallpaintings,the work of my dad&;mi big broza=them crazyness,cheese,mi brown rizzla,to meet new freaky people,paint&;brush,i eventually dislike pushy-fake-over judgemental people,people with a stupidity level too high,the ones who talks too much and unfortunately,do not much--people that think it's "SO damn coool" to be arrogant..all that crappy stuff

I'd like to meet:

Car Models, and guys who like to pimp their rides.People who can leave the past in the past. Humility is a great quality. Also, those who know that when it's time to sleep - there are two sides to a bed, and a line down the middle full of a plethora of pillows;)Music know who you are:)


Ass Shaking Dirty House; British Alterna pop; Classical - preferably chamber music and 5th century chorale;) ; music with SOULLLLLLL...some of my own stuff isn't turning out so bad either:)Pretty much I give everything one shot...and YES, I have a very un-biased and amazing ear for a good melody and harmony:)

Movies: movie buff...not in denial:)


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Am fiend...again...not in denial. Am book worm and a total geek:) Preferably stream of consciousness - Jack Kerouc; Henry Miller, etc. Also love silver age Russian poetry, and smutty Romance novels that keep me up all night during this time of celibacy;)lol


Anais Nin; Mahler; Oscar Wilde; Bill Gates;), People who can keep up and make me laugh at everything around me, including myself:)My first violin teacher who gave me the confidence to play the way I felt inside instead of the way that was "correct." - Passion makes all the difference between success and failure.