Troy profile picture


If they could give a gold medal for drinking around the world...I'd earn a free coupon to Denny's

About Me

So, my name is Troy Coberly. Some people call me Troy, T-roy, Alex, Asshole...basically, a various assortment of odd names. You can pick one out of the many...bonus points are earned for originality.Anyway, I've recently graduated Film School, and I'm now ready to start the terrifying...yet, highly exciting world of filmmaking. I'm hardly ever serious...too many trivial things. However, when it comes to my money...then I am serious. I like long walks through seedy areas, filled with crime, hookers, and other things that normal/wiser people avoid. I also happen to have a vast taste, that cannot be easily described.I like and dislike a lot of things.It's all gravy...

My Interests

Movies, Music, and random shit that I find comical....

I'd like to meet:

People...or things that resemble people. AIM TWOnunPACKmule


Random Noise that's generated by various devices; be it from instruments, or electronic sources


Various kinds...though there exists a quality of standards.


Hmm, don't watch it


I only read the ones with words in them...


EVERYONE...except you