The (second) most important thing in my life is music. I live for it, each second in my little life is lead by a rhythm, which can be really different second after second. i am really open minded for musical thing and for artistical way in general...By the way, after music the second art I used to practise is the tatoo. I am not the one who made it, but I enjoy that much to be the one who wear it. i think I am a bit masochist, pain is so good sometimes...
sorry but no sexual fantasy nor famous people that i would like to whorship (nothing to bring to them, and not good enough to learn something), enjoying who is on my way and in my life is far enough to me... and being the man I am inside and she deserve to get, is the goal of a whole life...
There are so much good music all around the world, I could enjoy every kind of music, as long as it is made with the soul.i used to listen a lot of Metal music... The named are to mumerous to be mentioned here (a bit lazy too...)
PINHEAD, make my flesh turning the way it is now... and soon more sir!!!
stupid stuff, this way I can understand everything...
blind, sorry ;)
my hero(s) like to stay anonymous, and by the way: I live with my idol!!!