Fashion,Fitness,Politics, Art,Philosophy,Free Thinking,Debate,Travel,Hedonism and Vegetarianism....When I die "I want to be a Dutch Dog" if only you knew why..Ha Ha ha.. Trust me on this one.
Miles,Monk,Charlie Parker,Duke ,Mingus and Marcus Miller oh I know him...I once had a job where I met many major movie makers,In front and behind the camera.I never cared for most of these people or the Art they made, But in this setting.I met the one guy I wanted to meet and he became my friend.His photo is below...
Hard Funk,Smooth Jazz,Acid Rock (Free Blues),Gangster Rock(Body Count)and World Music.
Belly,Head Of State and The DaVinci Code.
I killed should do the same!
Ones with big Tits and asses ...just kidding.. perhaps....The Debt,The Bondswomen Narrative and "Vernon Can Read".
Miles Davis,Don King,Jack Johnson,Jim Brown,Vernon Jordan, Barry Bonds,Spike Lee and The late Ron Brown