the ocean and mountains, hiking, backpacking, national parks, snowboarding, boston, san francisco, spending time with my friends and family, white water rafting, pilates, kickboxing with ariane, racquetball, learning to love football, weekend trips to visit my college friends, wine tasting, going out to dinner, being healthy, long walks around neighborhoods, dogs, traveling, opinions you can trust, camping, reading my best friend's emails from africa, a good book, yerbe mate tea, swimming, live music, interesting movies, national public radio, the innocence project and public interest law. wonderful.
Old School, Anchorman, Pan's Labrynth, Willow, The Big Lebowski, Edward Sissorhands, Best in Show, Waking Life, The Wedding Singer, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Dazed and Confused, Big Fish, Bruce Brown movies...
Weeds is the best show on TV...I also like The Daily Show, The Office, Freaks and Geeks, and South Park....oh yeah and american gladiator.
I LOVE THEM. Anything by Augusten Burroughs, Kurt Vonnegut, Anne Lamott, travel books, non-fiction,Into the Wild, A Civil Action, I Know This Much is True, Ishmeal, stories about interesting people.
My best friend Ali because she is serving in the Peace Corps in Namibia! My mom for being a successful lawyer AND mother. My brother because he can do anything he puts his mind to. Whoever started the Innocence Project.