Sierra: the intern profile picture

Sierra: the intern

hollywoods callin' for the movie rights

About Me

It is imperative to know one thing prior to interacting with Sierra.
She is not sweet.
Buckwheat? Yes. Pissy panda? Yes. But never sweet.
Sierra, or as her friends call her "The Setchmeister", has a phD in MySpace Discourse, concentration in Top Eight Interaction. In her spare time she shills coffee, spazzes, and searches in vain for fourteen story buildings. Her plans for the future include finding a new screen name. Her current failure of a screen name is SiLeigh85. If you plan on wooing her, she enjoys a good straw.
A warning to the wise - it is not advisable to cross The Setchmeister, or as she is known to the rabid members of her cult, The Godfather.
This About Me section was created for The Godfather by RMJ

My Interests

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I'm a rock n' roll kinda gal if I do say so myself


Little Shop of Horrors, Dial M for Murder, Stand By Me, Die Hard, Indiana Jones, Sixteen Candles, Shawn of the Dead, 300, The Sandlot, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang....


i'm really just a social tv viewer...which may make me a horrible communications student but so be it



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my grandmother