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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm a single guy with simple tastes. I believe in chivalry, as well as the right for women to find their place in this world. I believe in the right of all people to do what they will as long as they don't endanger themselves or cause others harm (physical, psychological or spiritual) Who am I to judge. I may not agree with you on your views or ways but you certainly have a right to them. I believe that as Americans we should tolerate a lot more than we do. I keep seeing hate filter through this space as "Patriotic Messages". Yes there are things in this world to get our dander up about (the loss of human life, for example). But to discriminate against others making a place in this world, for the betterment of their families, is just plain wrong. No, I do not think people should sneak in and not work and live off welfare. But if they are willing to contribute to our country and are willing to pay their fair share let them come and contribute. Thanks for reading this far!! PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

My Interests

Listening to music (most kinds but primarily rock), reading, playing softball and catching All University of Arizona sports.

I'd like to meet:

Old friends and maybe some new. PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile


I like everything from Steely Dan to the Killers to the Offspring to some of the new stuff like what Fergie and Nelli Furtado has put out.


Mostly comedies. I like a good laugh to lighten the day. I do like some romantic comedies. I've become a fan of John Cusack and found Hi Fidelity to be a movie that appeals to me on several levels.


Stuff that Aaron Sorkin is involved in: West Wing and now Studio 60 which I hear is about to get cancelled, Very intelligently written. Also, 2 1/2 men which is also very well written. Kid is hilarious. Criminal Minds and Numbers


I read all of Robert Heinlein's books and have gotten into Crichtons stuff. I highly recommend Uncle John's Bathroom Readers if you like trivia or have curiosity about a lot of things.


Anybody who puts it all on the line no matter the pay but for the love of the moment.