Listening to music (most kinds but primarily rock), reading, playing softball and catching All University of Arizona sports.
Old friends and maybe some new.
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I like everything from Steely Dan to the Killers to the Offspring to some of the new stuff like what Fergie and Nelli Furtado has put out.
Mostly comedies. I like a good laugh to lighten the day. I do like some romantic comedies. I've become a fan of John Cusack and found Hi Fidelity to be a movie that appeals to me on several levels.
Stuff that Aaron Sorkin is involved in: West Wing and now Studio 60 which I hear is about to get cancelled, Very intelligently written. Also, 2 1/2 men which is also very well written. Kid is hilarious. Criminal Minds and Numbers
I read all of Robert Heinlein's books and have gotten into Crichtons stuff. I highly recommend Uncle John's Bathroom Readers if you like trivia or have curiosity about a lot of things.
Anybody who puts it all on the line no matter the pay but for the love of the moment.