ooooooo woteva URE interested in...winky winky! erm kikboxin wiv ma bredrin ciara- boo yah! erm i do trmapolenin and dancin and dat- and i try 2 go 2 da gym... emphasis on the word TRYtest
YOU!...yes u sexaaaay! yep ne1 relli if ya readin dis and ya lyky wht ya see jst give us an add!
ahhh well lyk i sed i lyk a bita evryfin! erm i lyk a biata dance, lil bita rock, lil bit of pop. lil bita r'n'b... yah im qte easy wen it cums 2 music!
ah i used ta love da breakfast club!an oldy but a goldy! o and dumb and dumber gets me EVERYTYM! everytym i attempt 2 watch SAW i get to lyk da 1st 20 mins and den ave ta switch off so i must get thru dat 1 day! ..
viva la bam n WILDBOYZ!!! omg dat is so funny dat is lyk 1 of da onnli shows da makes me laugh!ow i love watching friends wen im ill aswel! errm wht else...ow hollyoaks is gettin juicy! dat justin...phhwwoooaaarrr!
hmm... does More count? anh jst jksin tho it is v. wisdomful. erm i relli wana read the divince code, erm yah i like books...
the fulgonsta- me and shazza r the