"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
People who inspire....
Whatever you want to hear.... I can mix anything... I'm the greatest........Check out my Music Myspace @ www.myspace.com/ wwwdjchevycom... you can add my mixes to your site, or email me and I will make you a custom mix
I was told they didn't make any copies.
Television is for people that don't have a social life and are easily entertained.. If you are in need of entertainment, check out DJChevy.com or come out to a party:
DJChevy.com..... Find it! Read it! Study it! Believe it! Coming to a venue close to you soon.........
I am my own hero. Go through what I have been through and then look at yourself in the mirror and say, " My heaven's, you have some pretty friends."