I would have traded a whole day of countless fights and non-sense arguments just to have that brief moment at the end of the day where we imitate mama's mannerism's & frantically laugh at each other.I'd buy you all the kit-kat's and snickers that I could find at a grocery counter or even give up chocolates altogether just to see you devouring them after dinner.I wouldn't even mind the loudness of your guitar, and you taking up the space in the living room practicing, making me miss my favorite shows, so long as I can see & hear you play it.What would I give to see you ride your bike again. Showing off your daredevil tricks, performing your wheelies and perfecting your stoppies?Bargaining. It's inevitable. Especially when you've already lost.
Anything colored!
Anything colored too!
Anything with letters, words, phrases, sentences!