elynnzo//ceykewl profile picture


. happy beday my beloved mama ! i love you .

About Me

U're Entering..
Elynnzo's Space

a b o u t
++ m e++

The Name is Elynn. Im . ahem.. now 20. recently.. (damn la) penghuni Cyberjaya. bukan limkokwing xD I love Manchester United. =D Kepada yang tak. nak join ckp jela. haha

my current obsession will be.. james franco & marcus westcliff.. (an earl from a novel)
my msn and yahoo messenger are strictly for real friends. Please do not simply add me there.
By the way, im selling new & secondhand clothes&books here; http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=384301&hl=
Loves Antique Cameras? I have A LOT of em at cheap price =D click here -- Antique Cameras~
Selling KORG : EA-1 electribe analog modeling synthesizer (my friend's item)

++ Manchester United Football Club ++

My Interests

. ++ aku . tak . statik ++ .
++ the.blog ++ unfinished.novel{ek eleh} ++ forum.manutd.malaysia ++ updated.manutd.goals ++

I'd like to meet:

I'd Like to Meet..Draco Malfoy. James Franco. Marcus Westcliff. ahaks Andy Murray

__ comment box __

{ damsel . in . dresses } adalah kami. baru dan masih belajar


ini kdo

ini syimeow

ini elleleh

ini nue

ini alya

. bands that rawk .

. bands that rawk .
++ photobooth ++
++ creamson ++
++ throne away ++
++ freelove ++
++ devillians ++
++ myra ++
++ the lova-lova ++
++ cloudburst ++
++ lightcraft ++
++ skyjuicecoffee ++
++ klaronika ++
++ theywillkillusall ++


++ indie rock baby!


survivor the apprentice americas next top model heroes amazing race

My Blog

Another short story written by me.. entitled "Year 2020" kot..haha

Mata Raden meliar-liar mecari kelibat Cherrie. Dah lame gile dier tunggu batang hidung pon tak nampak. Kemudian dia memicit sesuatu pada jam tangannya. Bukan jam tangan yang 'orang dulu-dulu' pakai. B...
Posted by elynnzo//ceykewl on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Short Novel entitled "Ek Eleh"

ps: guys, bende ni dah lame dah bwat. time secondary school dlu. so agak tahpape la kan cite dia.   Carl memandang ke luar kelas. Kemudian kearah cikgunya semula. Cikgu Ng - Guru yang mengajar m...
Posted by elynnzo//ceykewl on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Short Novel entitled "Kawan?" by Elynn

This is written when I was in..form 4 i guess. =D so, mmg agak kebudak budakkan la kan ceritenye ..   3 Januari 2000Hari ni sumpah panas!! Meleleh peluh-peluh ni ha.. seb baik kemachoan aku masi...
Posted by elynnzo//ceykewl on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

survey: guys and girls, WHAT SIZE ARE YOU?

for guys, what would be your size? S , M ke L? if ure a girl, for a baby tshirt, what wud be your size? S or M ? please reply to this if u happen to be here. thanks =)
Posted by elynnzo//ceykewl on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 06:48:00 PST


10.Highbury..haha.. x pnah jual tiket sampai abes yee? ade hati nak bwat stadium lagi besar. huehue~ 9.Arsenal Players themselves (laurent..reyes..henry.. pires..persie..etc) 8.Seriously.. i think...
Posted by elynnzo//ceykewl on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


a fan of manchester united ? fanatic? or u're just a fan-4-fame? a true supporter? a die-hard-fan of M.U.F.C? malaysian?? dun haf anybody 2 voice out ur opinion on ur fav. team? wanna tell...
Posted by elynnzo//ceykewl on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST