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About Me

Lypossage is the result of research done by Charles W. Wiltsie III. Mr. Wiltsie's research showed that by using deep Myofascial Massage and "Firm" Lymphatic Drainage Techniques, one could affect the contour of a healthy person's body. His work and research has been mentioned and published around the world in publications such as:
Hers Muscle and Fitness Magazine
Massage & Bodywork Magazine
Massage Magazine
American Spa
Day Spa Magazine
The Day Spa Bible
Good Medicine Magazine (Australia)
Spa Management (Canada)
The Four Seasons of Inner and Outer Beauty by Peggy Wynne Borgman
Mr. Wiltsie has also spoken at the Cidesco International Congress in Holland, taught Physical Therapists in Belgium, and was a featured speaker at The Face & Body Show in Long Beach, California, as well as at the Spa & Resort Show in New York City & Los Angeles, California.
Welcome to the MySpace page for information on Lypossage. Below you will find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.

The question I hear the most is...Does Lypossage REALLY work???
You Bet! In addition to some before and after pics that will be posted soon, I also have clients who are willing to speak with you to verify their results. I have NOT had an unsatisified client!
Lypossage works on BOTH men and women!
"With Lypossage I went from a size 8 to a size 4… and after only 14 sessions I lost more than 9 inches in my hips and thighs. I am simply delighted with the Lypossage results" Katie Fields
Why do I have cellulite, lumps and bulges?
The fatty tissue of your body acts as its "toxic waste disposal site," where substances that it cannot metabolize are dumped. This congested tissue has poor blood circulation (you'll note that cellulite prone areas are cool to the touch). Lymphatic flow may also be restricted by tight undergarments and pantyhose.
Where does this technique come from?
The treatment is a specific blend of massage modalities that derive from physical therapy, including lymphatic drainage and deep tissue release. It was created by Charles Wiltsie III, a nationally recognized massage therapy educator and practitioner. Mr. Wiltsie conducted a year long study of 100 female subjects that documented the effectiveness of the technique, which was published in Massage and Bodywork magazine in 1999. In the study, notable results included and average inch loss per thigh of almost 1 1/2 inches.
How does it work and is it safe?
Lypossage cleanses the body of stagnant, stalled lymphatic fluid (lymphoedema) that can create the lumps and bulges we know as figure imbalance. The deeper Lypossage strokes break up adhesions under the skin that can contribute to the dimpled, uneven appearance of cellulite. Lypossage also tones the muscles, lifting and firming sagging tissue.
What parts of the body respond to Lypossage?
Lypossage is performed on the lower body, including the buttocks, hips, thighs and lower abdomen, as well as the upper body, including the arms, and the face, neck and head. Lypossage has some of it's most dramatic effects on areas prone to sagging, such as the lower face and neck, as well the buttocks and upper thighs.
I've heard about machines that do this, too. Why would I choose Lypossage?
While both approaches deliver gratifying results, Lypossage appeals to the person who prefers to have a treatment performed by hand, rather than with a machine. It also must be performed by a trained massage therapist; there are no such restrictions on the operators of body contouring machines.
Is it safe?
Lypossage is a non-invasive, natural health treatment that helps to cleanse the body of toxins and retained fluids. Most clients find that Lypossage enhances their energy and mental clarity. While there are some contraindications for specific medical conditions, Lypossafe can be safely experienced by most healthy individuals. It is much safer than surgical procedures such as liposuction. However, for those who opt for a more dramatic surgical result, Lypossage can be very beneficial before and after the liposuctions procedure.
Who can perform my Lypossage Treatment?
Lypossage practitioners are specially trained massage and body therapists who have learned this hands-on technique and are licensed to practice under the Lypossage name.
How are treatments scheduled?
Treatments last about 30-minutes and are performed in a series of 18 over the course of six weeks. It's important to note that for most clients; it takes about 8-10 sessions before the results of the initial treatments become noticeable. After that, progress can often be quite dramatic. Combining Lypossage with compression wraps further enhances your Lypossage results.
What are some typical results and how will I know what mine are?
While results vary, cumulative dimension loss over five key measurement points averaged 6.75 inches in the original study. It is not uncommon to find cumulative inch loss of up to 11'. One clients in the study lost almost 3" in her waist measurement alone. Most women find they will drop one to two dress sizes without a reduction in their weight. Your Lypossage practitioner will weigh, photograph and measure you before you begin your program and at key intervals to enable you to track your progress.
Is there a special diet or exercise program?
Though the individuals in the Lypossage study were restricted from initiating any new diet or exercise program during the course of their treatments, we find that most clients become so inspired by their Lypossage results they readily adopt lifestyle changes that help them progress even more rapidly. A diet rich in whole organic foods and regular body movement will contribute to a terrific outcome. Avoiding foods containing refined sugar, preservatives, hormones, caffeine and salt will help keep your newly detoxified body in the best shape possible. Drinking copious amounts of water is key to keeping the body cleansed.
What should I do on my own to enhance the results of my treatments?
We recommend that you follow an at-home body care regimen, including a special treatment product to stimulate circulation in cellulite-prone areas and a glycolic body lotion to improve skin texture and elasticity. The Lypossage Home Care Collection provides state of the art spa formulas that will help bring your skin and body into beautiful condition.
What do I need to do to maintain my Lypossage results?
A program of monthly or bi-monthly maintenance treatments will help you retain your results. Many Lypossage clients repeat their program annually.
How do I get started?
Schedule a private consultation with your certified Lypossage practitioner! You can find out more about your suitability for the program and have all your questions answered.
Contact us today to have a consultation for the complete details and to find out if you are a good candidate for this unique, alternative body contouring treatment.

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Lypossage FAQ's

Does Lypossage REALLY work?? You Bet! I even have clients who are willing to speak with you to verify their results. I have NOT had an unsatisified client yet!   Lypossage works on...
Posted by Lypossage on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 11:02:00 PST