Loads of stuff, including (in no particular order): sports and fitness, skiing, snowboarding (yeah, I do both!), reading, travel, music, film, videogames, hypnosis, NLP, art, yaddayaddayadda... and poker, obviously. Probably looks like pretty much everyone else's profile then.
People who want to say hi. And are funny. And intelligent. And can therefore keep me amused for an unspecified period of time. And don't write in text speak. EVER. Unless perhaps you're actually sending me a text message. This last bit is very serious. I already hate you and everything you represent.
Loads. Some of it'll make you think I'm weird, other stuff dull, some'll be odd and a little bit you'll think is wicked. Concentrate on the wicked stuff.
Blade Runner, Ghostbusters, The Thing, Leon, Tremors, Die Hard, Gosford Park, Battle Royale, Back to the Future, The Godfather (I & II), Alien(s), Big Trouble in Little China, Chinatown, Marathon Man, 12 Angry Men, North by Northwest... and about a hundred others. Oh, and Robocop. Yeah, why not?
The Shield, CSI, Lost, Family Guy, 24, Futurama, South Park, Entourage, The Larry Sanders Show, Arrested Development and other tat the US provides us with that we don't usually get over here. All in small doses.
Catcher in the Rye, Den of Thieves, The Dice Man, Watchmen, Snow Crash, Catch 22, Jennifer Government, stuff by Ellis and Coupland, a hundred other fiction books and a few non-fiction books which you'll probably never have heard of, let alone read.
My Mum for being my Mum, a bunny girl, and totally amazing. My Dad for having been the biggest pimp in London. And totally amazing. All true.