Jon vs Supa J profile picture

Jon vs Supa J

Liquid Sky is The Key to Heaven!

About Me

.. Greetings and salutations! My name is Jon. I love music and I'm a huge movie "buff." I also enjoy DJ'ing, obviously, good exercise, and having fun with karaoke from time to time. I have a beautiful daughter, Drew, who is very active in water polo and swimming @ South Eugene. I DJ at Diablo's/Downtown Lounge on Fridays and some Saturdays. I also have a daytime job in the Furniture Dept at Macy's.

My Interests

Yoga, sexercise, music, movies,bicycling, Kombucha, and Karaoke.

I'd like to meet:


.. almost everything: 80's, electro[clash], house, techno, disco, funk, classic rock,old school,glam,ambient,new romantic,shoegazing, etc. new order,joy division,depeche mode,roxy music,green velvet,bloc party,beastie boys,jean-jacques perry,chemical brothers,orb,orbital,dr. dre,lcd soundsystem,art of noise,grandmaster flash,afrika bambaataa,dj shadow,brian eno,kate bush,yes,t-rex,tiga,tiefschwartz,colder,fatboy slim,run-dmc,kraftwerk,...if you want to view my music collection, you can view at the site: my user name is djopm. its a electronica music base...pretty kool huh?

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there will be blood,no country for old men,hard candy,grindhouse,donnie darko,boogie nights,american psycho,control,liquid sky,anything directed by alfred hitchcock,martin scorsese,stephen spielberg,brian de palma,william friedkin,francis ford coppola (sophia,too),george lucas (THX 1138),steven soderbergh(section 8),jim jarmusch,david cronenberg,jean-luc godard,francois truffaut,akira kurosawa,stanley kubrick,todd haynes,cameron crowe,david lynch..i think you get the point. ..


Law and Order (and others), CSI (and others), Smallville, Heroes


Dune, Dante's Inferno/Purgatory/Paradisio, American Psycho


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My Blog

How I started as a DJ...25 years in the making!

Hello there! I'm Jon. I love music and always on the hunt for records--even at Goodwill/St. Vincent DePaul. Many people have often asked how I started my life as a DJ. When I was young, a traged...
Posted by Jon vs Supa J on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 05:56:00 PST