Muscle Cars, Music, Australian football, NFL, belgian beers, and other shit.
Nobody is THAT improtant that I would go right out of my way just to meet them. but if they were close by and I didn't have to go far I'd say George Carlin before he is dead for someone so fucked up he seems to understand a lot.
Usually anything that amps me up, but sometimes I do like to chill.
Scarface. there are pleanty of others but not deserving to be in the same space.
All adult cartoons (Sipmsons, South Park, Family Guy Etc.)
It, Stephen King. Anything by George Carlin.
Anyone who has the guts to be who they are at all times never acting like someone they aren't to impress someone else even every now and then. I've never met that person unless they were medically insane. I myself am not that person either.