VRZ BND profile picture


About Me

VRZ BND (Vårez Bænd på norsk) is a hard-hitting, ass-kicking, slap-in-the-face, don't-give-a-fuck hard rocking band from Oslo, Norway. They'll knock your ass senseless twice! The boys in the band: KHALEB ALHAZRED is a fictional character created by the great horrorwriter H.P. Lovecraft. He was born of a tentacled and blind idiot-god. James Hetfield is his daddy. Khaleb resides in the crawling chaos. PRINS JONANERT was raised back in the 60s by Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters. He was suckled at the teat of LSD. Prins Jonanert likes to listen to bright colours and look at pretty sounds. PAPA SWEEN is a mythical being widely believed to have engaged in sexual intercourse with Tone Damli Aaberge. This may have happened in the enchanted kingdom of Agia Napa or perhaps in Sodom and/or Gomorra. SVERRE THE AGGRESSOR is a direct descendant of Aleister Crowley. Sverre is considered to be drunk. He is also a bear. FRANCKE DECAY is a lunatic and a dangerous criminal who will kill you in your sleep. He also has a sweet and gentle second personality called Sweden Delay who likes to cuddle. STILLE ANDERS PLUTONIUS is a lumbering giant who lives atop a mountain of boobies. When he is upset he is oftentimes unable to control his mighty and savage powers. And thus we have earthquakes
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My Interests


Member Since: 12/12/2006
Band Website: www.vrzbnd.com
Band Members: Papa Sween: Vocals, Khaleb Alhazred: Guitar & vocals, Prins Jonanert: Guitar, Francke Decay: Guitar, Sverre the Aggressor: Bass, Stille Anders Plutonius: Drums
Influences: Misfits, Metallica, Nirvana, AFI, Electric Wizard, Sepultura, Pantera, Jokke, Monster Magnet, Slayer, Opeth, Beck, alcohol, psychedelia, HORROR, boobies and feelings
Sounds Like: Sweet sonic venom and vile amplifier discharge. VRZ BND plays whimsical and yet metallic tunes about virgin sacrifice, mass murder and self destruction. They do so with more enthusiasm than ability and that's the only way to rock really, really hard. If you think otherwise you can fuck off and die!
Record Label: No label. But we own half the kingdom of Eix.

My Blog


  Konserten i burgen fredag falt i god jord hos kritikerne: "Den beste Vårez-konserten NOENSINNE!" - Vlad Pavel"Soloene til Alhazred er sykt fete." - Kentucky Buzz"ÆÆÆUUAAHHHEEEHHHHØÆH!!!!!!...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 04:08:00 GMT

VRZ kommer til Tønsberg

Heey! Endelig har VRZ BND booka en gig i Tønsberg, BA's nåværende hjemby. Konserten finner sted på Rivals, fredag 9/3 sammen med Sandvika-bandet Inglow. Skål!
Posted by on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 21:04:00 GMT

Takk for knallbra oppmøte!

Kjære venner! Vi vil gjerne takke for fantastisk oppmøte fredag, og deres bidrag til å skape en vanvittig stemning. Vi hadde på forhånd lovet Rubber Chicken ca 100 gjester, men endte opp med 244 betal...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 20:01:00 GMT


Vær hilset! Til fredag har vi klaska opp en hælvetes settliste med 10 vidastiske låter. Foruten de 6 fra skiva har vi en kliss ny låt, en gammel klassiker som ikke tidligere har blitt spilt live,...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 08:38:00 GMT