After Chaos came to life in 2006, the plan was to capture the more metal driven ideas. I was playing as a bass player in Pratyahara and felt that i needed another creative escape. The other person that at the time was behind that idea couldn't commit to the project so i was left alone. In the meanwhile i got into home recording/ mixing and decided to start composing and recording the whole thing with a laptop. In march 2007 a friend of mine, Ricardo Menezes, got involved in the project after hearing a few sample tracks here in myspace. We're still working on the songs and as they're ready, updates will be posted here. I've been home-recording some rough demo versions while waiting for more colaborations.
The tracks available here are demo versions...hopefully the final versions, and vocals, will be recorded soon. Only after the whole recording process is completed will we search for a band to perform them live.
Hope to see you soon...Cheers
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