Music draws my way of life.
Curl was born in Austria and comes from an turkish family... She just recovered her talent in early years at the age of 6, recordin´ on old tapes at home. She wanted to attend the academy for music but life led her to study commercial stuff. She know that one day studieng not either work won´t be that what she´s going to plan... It´s music what makes her express her mind, she loves to write lyrics and combinate them with her dance.. she´s attending an danceclass where she practises the styles of Hip-Hop, Nu Style and Streetstyle...
Music escorts somone in every way ´nd every part of life
Trough love, trough real life, trough pain, trough happiness, trough everything...
You can´t say that music does not influce you... Some lyrics, texts and quotes in some songs can be so crucial, Music is unbelievable...
Now she just started to live some of her dreams out... One day she met MAC DESI, he was an friend of TOBY (an highly talented dance-teacher) and they drove togehter with CURL to the studio where she also got to know SONIK SAJIN, TRUMAN and CLE. Her first recorded song by the studio was "LIKE ME" feat Sonik Sajin and Mac. Then "DANC" feat. Sonik Sajin and Cle followed. From now on she knew that, she would become one day this what she wants to be.... to be known to be heard...Now all her own written lyrics, which had been saved all the years on pieces of paper and on old tapes, now they could be actualised with the help of people, who are workin´ on their own stuff, it´s amazing, and "I´m happy that they can see the potential in me." The next fervor in her life is DANCING, since 1 year she´s tryin´ to devise Hip - Hop Dance... The best thing you can do is a combination of ya voice with the way how you move... BODYLANGUAGE... :)Just the same text in german:) :Ja richtig gelesen , Music begleitet dich mit auf deinem Weg, egal wohin…. Manchmal denke ich mir was wäre, wenn es keine Musik auf Erden gebe würde…. Ich singe und tanze für mein Leben gern. HIP-HOP ist die Tanzart, die ich regelmäßig betreibe. Eigentlich schon seit klein auf, aber zurzeit bin ich überglücklich einen Ort gefunden zu haben wo Leute sind, mit denen man some new stuff ausprobieren kann, etwas aufnehmen kann und singen… und zwar das Tonstudiooo :D:D checkt einfach seine Seite:
es sind super Undergroundbeats und Songs drauf und natürlich auch etwas von mir ;)
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