Design. I'm a nut. Debate. Is fun. Women. Best invention ever. If I believed in God, i'd be saying nice job.
Lots of people. Various bands, famous people, sexy famous people...not that I will ever meet said famous people. Redundant question really, unless said famous person is reading this and thinking, "I would really like to meet Chuck," in which case, bring it on.
I would like to meet the asshole who came up with the idea that anybody that doesn't believe what you believe should be dead. Our differences is what makes for an intreguing and satisfying existence. I would like to punch him in the mouth.
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Many types. My tastes and favorites change regularly, although I never truly dislike a band if I have liked it before.I NEED NEW MUSIC!! If you know a cool band, comment and tell me about them. I am tired of all my current stuff, I want something new and sexy.
Whatever is good and on now really. Sin City was a real good one. Fight Club, although I have seen that too many times now. Lots of SciFi/Action/all the other elements in a good movie. Ask me now and I will say *Insert movie here*, ask me next week and I might say *Insert a different movie here*
Most of what I watch is TV, so here I can list some. Burn Notice, Boston Legal, Entourage, Futurama, Heroes, Hustle, Las Vegas, Penn & Teller's Bullshit, Stargate Atlantis,...again the list goes on.
Geez...if it looks good i'll read it. something with a bit of fantasy and a cool storyline is always good. Read a cool one about spiders recently. Was good. Spider World it was.
The actors off Heroes. I'm not goddamn 12...I don't have Heroes anymore.