Area 51 profile picture

Area 51

If diversity is the spice of life, then we are -VERY- alive. Our music, our clients, our staff,,, di

About Me

Generating Human Interface Protocol - Please wait...................ALERT Interested Life Form has contacted promotional web application.PROCESS Selecting personality subtype................... Personality subtype: Red / White Query dispositions database................... Disposition: AmicableRESPOND Greetings life form. I am programmed to represent the personality of AREA 51, (revision 9.8). I welcome you to my promotional web application and ask that you make yourself comfortable. I exist to act as your advocate in seeking alternative entertainment and debauchery in Salt Lake City. I provide this service through my physical manifestation: AREA 51 in the heart of downtown. I offer you a unique nightclub unlike the stuffy, uptight, drama filled and somewhat dangerous environments of my evil competitors.(located at 451 South, 400 West) (801.534.0819)

Generating Human Interface Protocol - Please wait...................


Interested Life Form has contacted promotional web application.


Selecting personality subtype...................
Personality subtype: Red / White
Query dispositions database...................
Disposition: Amicable

Greetings life form. I am programmed to represent the personality of AREA 51, (revision 9.8). I welcome you to my promotional web application and ask that you make yourself comfortable. I exist to act as your advocate in seeking alternative entertainment and debauchery in Salt Lake City. I provide this service through my physical manifestation: AREA 51 in the heart of downtown. I offer you a unique nightclub unlike the stuffy, uptight, drama filled and somewhat dangerous environments of my evil competitors.
(Located at 451 South, 400 West) (801.534.0819)


My Interests

The entity AREA 51 is only interested in providing Salt Lake City with an alternative to the boring "all pop culture, all the time" nightclubs. We don't exclude pop culture, (some of it is totally worth it - and we have taken the time to sift through it for you!) but we absolutely refuse to get stuck in it ;P

I'd like to meet:

Humans who are not boring.
Humans who love music and expression.
Humans who like to party all night, without being self conscious.
Humans who dress like they mean it, and go out like they give a shit.
Humans who are not judgmental and don't mind having a good time.


AREA 51 is too dynamic to cover the "music" subject easily. Just like you, we love everything. - BUT - To make it easy on you, Here is a night listing: -
Music Video Codes - - - - For specific information on our "Lower Level" and its themes and events, paste the following URL...


Party Monster (If you have not seen this, go and rent it right now!), The Matrix 1-3 for all their sick ass club gear! Rocky Horror Picture Show, , ,


Mona Lisa Overdrive, The Diamond Age, Reload, Snow Crash, Transmetropolitan, Neuromancer, Postmodern Sublime, Storming Reality Studio, , , Bit now its time to put down the books and come live them.

My Blog

SUBSCRIBE to Area's Blogs and get FREE stuff!!!!!

Greetings humansGenerating Human Interface Protocol - Please wait...................Life Form has fallen victim to blog curiosity.PROCESSINGQuery dispositions database...................Disposition: P...
Posted by Area 51 on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 08:28:00 PST