Generating Human Interface Protocol - Please wait...................ALERT
Interested Life Form has contacted promotional web application.PROCESS
Selecting personality subtype...................
Personality subtype: Red / White
Query dispositions database...................
Disposition: AmicableRESPOND
Greetings life form. I am programmed to represent the personality of AREA 51, (revision 9.8). I welcome you to my promotional web application and ask that you make yourself comfortable. I exist to act as your advocate in seeking alternative entertainment and debauchery in Salt Lake City. I provide this service through my physical manifestation: AREA 51 in the heart of downtown. I offer you a unique nightclub unlike the stuffy, uptight, drama filled and somewhat dangerous environments of my evil competitors.(located at 451 South, 400 West)
Generating Human Interface Protocol - Please wait...................
Interested Life Form has contacted promotional web application.
Selecting personality subtype...................
Personality subtype: Red / White
Query dispositions database...................
Disposition: Amicable
Greetings life form. I am programmed to represent the personality of AREA 51, (revision 9.8). I welcome you to my promotional web application and ask that you make yourself comfortable. I exist to act as your advocate in seeking alternative entertainment and debauchery in Salt Lake City. I provide this service through my physical manifestation: AREA 51 in the heart of downtown. I offer you a unique nightclub unlike the stuffy, uptight, drama filled and somewhat dangerous environments of my evil competitors.
(Located at 451 South, 400 West)