Alejandro profile picture


Trying is the first step to failure. - Homer

About Me

I usually start my day by wondering where I am and how did I get there. I immediately take 800mg of Motrin and chug a liter of water to cure my usual morning hangover. I'll scratch a bit, dry shave my face, brush my teeth, and throw on my uniform. I then call my mom because I have 14 missed calls from her and tell not to fucking call me anymore...ever. Then I go to work and save the world from terror.I like to kills things and destroy inanimate objects. Sometimes I like to destroy animate options. One time I shot an inanimate object with the M2 .50 caliber machine gun and made it very animate. Don't worry...I understand that .50 caliber bullets are expensive, but I don't pay for them.I like to eat things. I like hot wings, cheeseburgers, steaks, hot dogs, pizza, and Civet de Lapin with a nice glass of Chateau Montelena. I like beer...all beer, but you ain't going to catch me drinking no pussy light beer. Light beer is for dogs and donkeys.
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

My Interests

I like to kill things: mostly terrorists and hippies. Whichever is legal at the time. Another thing that interest me is my ability to drink until I pass out and still wake up wanting to drink again. I mostly drink Tequila and Whiskey. I tried to drink coconut rum one time, but my stomach hurt with it's gayness. I don't like light matter how it's spelled.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet Premier Warlord George W. Bush very much. Thanks to him and his campaign of sustaining the war machine, I now have a well paying job for at least another decade. As long as we can keep the wars going, I can afford a pretty nice lifestyle. So let's vote to make him our dictator and fuck this stupid democracy bullshit. I want to retire in the next 12 years so give me war. I would also like to meet Senator Obama. I bet he knows where Osama Bin Laden is.


I like things that rock. Rap is gay. I like Fu Manchu, Clutch, Rob Zombie, Melvins.


Full Metal Jacket, Jarhead, Patton, Papillon, Seven, Boondock Saints, Pirates (porno), and The Lion King.


Future Weapons, Shootout, Mail Call, Histories Battles, Hi 5, and The O'Reilly Factor.


Culture Warrior, Fight Club, Survivor, and Invisible Monsters.


Chesty Puller, Dan Daly, Spiderman.