irish drinks, music, history, beer, gigs, politics, movies, sweethearts, hairdo's, hammies, christian history, dogs & 16th century STUFF.
Gary Oldman! - so we can get pissed together & make the streets unsafe.
HEPP: Im here to get to know fun people from all over. But as I travel around like a fucken homeless person & my futureplans are to end up in either London or Berlin and/or do a roundtrip thru Ireland/Scotland aquaintances from those places are dearly welcomed.Punks, skins, psychos & rockers - thumbs up, ya'll.
My german favgirls Hanna & Janina I met at Force Attack 2006.
If anyone of them are here, or anyone know them, let me know! THANX.
I DONT LIKE GENRES - I LIKE BANDS. (equals I dont like people, I like individuals)
crazy billy - i.e godless wicked creeps, kings of nuthin, frenzy, long tall texans, tiger army, quakes, guana bats, peacocks, meteors, dag.
european oi/punk - i.e freiboiter, angelic upstarts, 4-skins, blood or whiskey, cocksparrer, brigada flores magon, blitz, deadline, oppressed, los fastidios, oipolloi.
skankalong - i.e toasters, slackers, bad manners, operation ivy, skatalites, scrapy.
other stuff that makes my whiskers twitch - hatebreed, the streets, nina hagen, michael jacksons old hits :D
& a whoooole lotta bluegrass, nationalromantic irish folksongs, scottish reels & swedish folkmusic.
cheesy barbarian & fairytale-movies from the 80s, epics, social realism/reality portraits of the british workingclass, asian independent & lots of horrormovies.
Favourite movie of all times for me: Fallen Angels (by Kong War Kai).
apart from that: Shining, NIL by mouth, 3-Iron, Meantime, This is England, Bangkok Dangerous, 300, Lolita, Hard Candy, Funny Games, Hellraiser-movies, LOTR, the Alien-triology, Romper Stomper, The Warriors, Sid & Nancy, Repulsion, Electric Dragon 80.000 V, Bram Stokers Dracula, The Legend & loads more.
FBI-files - discovery channel. AND FATHER TED!
Picture of Dorian Gray, The Castle, Therese Raquin, LOTR, 1984, Brave New World, Callocain, The Perfume, Nässlorna Blomma, Memnoch The Devil, Animal Farm, Låt Den Rätte Komma In, Satan: His Psychotherapy & Cure By The Unfortunate DR. Kessler, J.S.P.S, Table Talk, Oedipus & The Devil, When Fathers Ruled, Fearless Wives & Frightened Shrews, Animal Liberation & anything drawn by Jhonen Vasquez.
nina hagen, harry martinsson, erich fromm, jhonen vasquez, franz kafka, kar wai wong, marlon brando, sigrid brauner, jim henson, daniel pollock, gary oldman, geoffrey rush, stanley kubrick, jrr tolkien, takeshi kaneshiro, steven ozment, paul newman, aileen wuornos, martin luther.
& offcourse:
dr salvador (re4)
bella sisters (re4)
freddy, man of my dreams
support your local liberators
the main man
lil ol predator
peter singer, bless you
judith - you go girl!
dollface leatherface
barbarian red sonja
funny games, scariest most brilliant movie ever made
warriors - ma boys
warriors the xboxgame - possibly the best game in the world