cole profile picture


Banana peels in your hampster wheels, hand cannons in your shoe box, please. Mines got Adiddas, rest

About Me

I'm nicole, I'm 21. I probably don't like your band so don't bother, also I don't add people I don't know so it'd be in your best intrest to skidaddle. I love animals I have a dog, a cat, a ferret, a bunny, a rat, 6 hermit crabs and a few fish. I am majoring in Animal Behavior, Training and Enrichment. I have 2 jobs and somehow never have any money (thats why i have so many sugar daddies). I'm rather nerdy, but in the most awesome way ever. I love comic books (esp X-men), knitting, sewing, and playing my Nintendo DS. I waited for 4 hours in 17 degree darkness to get myself a Wii (best $250 ever spent). I'm currently addicted to Zelda. Most people don't get my humor and I usually come off as an idiot. I have poor social skills unless i am really comfortable with you, but don't confuse that with insecurity, cause I totally know I am better than you. Also, I get 10 shades of furious when people fart near me while I am eating any sort of dairy product. OH! and uh, my social security number is 177-43-2640. kthxbye a

My Interests

Animals, music, comics, video games, making stuff.

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

people who don't bring the suck.


I listen to TONS of music ranging from 80's, HipHop, Hardcore, Indie/Folk etc. Latley I've been listening to Aesop Rock, Brother Ali, The Mountain Goats, Atmostphere, Tears FOr Fears (and I'll never stop), Duran Duran, Rise Against, Bad Religion, Fiona Apple, Jaw Breaker and on and on.Oh, and Mr.Bronson (never lunch box on the block)


Theres a million, but ill throw a few out there: A Clockwork Orange, That Thing You Do!, Drop Dead Fred, The Prestige, oh and 300 was pretty killer..


I miss the OC.LOST, Greys Anatomy, 12 oz mouse, Family Guy, Simpsons, Futurama and pretty much everything else that isnt anime on adult swim




Beast :)..