Gem profile picture


It's only Rock and Roll but I like it- sorry LOVE it!

About Me

"Let Me Feel The Love!"
You''ll never know who i really am from this so im debating whether to even bother or not. We'll see. No doubt i'll get extremely bored one day and decide to ramble on and on, on here.
The last year has to have been the most life-changing. Ive met some awsome new people who have changed my life But at the same time Ive also lost some very important people and grown apart from others. In short; it sucks!
I've neglected people recently (some more than others), i didn't mean to, I promise! Im sorry that I have- Love you all!
Lauren organisies me like no other, i love her dearly and im just sorry we dont chat as much as we did.
Lucy I miss you. Nothing more to it. We've grown too far apart and i hate it.
Iain He's a bit daft, but i dont care. I love him.
Right now my life is pretty awsome, but i have the feeling that in about 9 months time its all going to change when Uni decides to roll its fat ass round to my door stop- bah! basically.
There are quite a few people in my life who are just a bit awsome.They areas mad as a bunch of hatters at the annual tea party and I love them dearly for it!
I dont really know how to continue but I found some pretty awesome quotes that I can associate with a lot!
"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
"What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?"
"In a world of nonsense, everything something is, it isn't, everything it would be wouldn't, and everything it wasn't, was."

And reckon that’s about it to be honest…
A Survey About Gemma!
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Blue
Hair Color:: Blonde
Height:: 5'6" ish
Favorite Color:: Yellow =) and Rainbow!
Screen Name:: ATM- "Put on you dancing shoes [You Dirty Little Swine]"
Favorite Band:: oooOOooo too many!
Favorite Movie:: Again too many
Favorite Show:: aaargh no idea
Your Car:: Renault Clio
Your Hometown:: Blackpool
Your Present Town:: Lee on Solent
Your Crushes First Name:: Eeeeeean =]
Your Grade:: 13th
Your Style:: Mine
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: I think so
Kissed someone in the rain?: Yep
Danced in a public place?: Of course
Smiled for no reason?: Everyday
Laughed so hard you cried?: Yuh-huh
Peed your pants after age 8?: Nope
Written a song?: Nope
Sang to someone for no reason?: Probably
Performed on a stage?: Yep
Talked to someone you don't know?: Yep
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Think so
Made out in a theatre?: Yep
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Dont know
Been in love?: I am
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Mum
Tell you, I love you?: Iain =)
Kiss you?: Iain
Hug you?: Iain
Tell you BYE?: Iain =(
Write you a note?: Texts count- then Iain, If not probably Mum
Take your photo?: Eeer some woman for college
Call your cell phone?: Lucifer
Buy you something?: Dunno, Iain maybe?
Go with you to the movies?: Iain
Sing to you?: eeeer probably Iain
Write a poem about you?: Ive not had a poem written about me! wait yes i have but a while ago!
Text message you?: Iain
Touch you?: Mum?
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Earlier
Time you cried?: eeeer while back
Movie you watched?: Atonement
Joke you told?: Nooo idea
Song you've sang?: Moulin Rouge possibly
Time you've looked at the clock?: hehehe... now
Drink you've had?: My morning cup of coffee
Number you've dialed?: No idea
Book you've read?: King of the Castle
Food you've eaten?: Lasagneeee
Flavor of gum chewed?: Mint
Shoes you've worn?: Vans
Store you've been in?: Boots
Thing you've said?: You want a builder's bum like mine!
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Ish
Whistle?: Yeah
Blow a bubble?: Yup
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Yeah =)
Cross your eyes?: Kinda
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Nope
Dance?: Hell Yeah! haha
Gleek?: huh?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Yep- last time i did was a bit awsome
Speak a different language?: Ish
Impersonate someone?: Nope
Prank call people?: Everyone can
Make a card pyramid?: I reckon so
Cook anything?: Yup
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i could ...: i would live in the world of gold from The Fountain
I wish ...: i could be young again!
So many people don't know that ...: the people around them are just like them.
I am ...: me! (end of!)
My heart is ...: Iain's
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My Interests

→Musique is very fantabulous!
→Films, whether its a night at the cinema or curled up in front of the TV its all good
generally being silly
→ Showering friends with lots of attention
→ Getting dressed up and looking pretty
→ Making various concoctions in the kitchen =)
→ Pillow Fights/ Building Duvet Forts
→ Dancing around to cheesey music
→ Various things that i dont remeber
→Spending time with rather a daft fellow who i love dearly especially when he lets me win at wrestling.

I'd like to meet:

Any chance Freddie Mercury has signed up? Nope, ah well, lovley people it is then!

Although I wouldnt mind having my very own TOTORO!


It's just a bit awsome!

The Killers
The Fratellis
Stone Sour
Christina Aguilera
Chili Peppers
Jeff Buckley
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones

The list but a few!


My Neighbour Totoro!
Howl's Moving Castle
Spirited Away
kiki's Delivery Service
clockwork orange
fight club
LotR (all 3! tho mostly FOTR)
finding neverland
big fish
Peter Pan (the new one)
lemony Snicket
Bronx Tale
Billy Elliot!!
romeo + juliette
singing in the rain
moulin rouge
spiderman 1 + 2
x-men 1+2
a knights tale
reign of fire (christian bale with that beard..)
lilo and stitch
school of rock
Sin City
donnie darko

aaaaaaaaarrrgh i have too many!!


I love reading and i love it even more when i cant put a book down the story is that good so anything like that please.

Shadow of the Wind is a stunning book, unbelievable!

Noughts and Crosses- Malorie Blackman
The Alchemists Daughter- Katharine McMahon
Brave New World- Aldous Huxley
Harry Potter- JK Rowling
Lord of the Rings- JRR Tolkien
Eragon- Christopher Paolini
The Dark Lord trilogy-
The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath

SHAKESPEARE is a legend!

and sooooo many more!

and to all those who say 'books?.... what are books?!?' aaall i say is how bloody original, you must be proud as you are incredibly witty....... illiterate swine at least use something that shows that you do have some vague intellegence and you are more than a sheep!


*strikes superhero pose* theyre all good!

My Blog

Something for someone no doubt!

Thought i'd leave a few messages for the people in my life- im not going to say who's who so dont even bother guessing!   1. I cant thankyou enough for being a friend recently and not even t...
Posted by Gem on Mon, 07 May 2007 09:46:00 PST

Top Eight =]

1.: Lutheeeeee 2.: Lauren 3.: Jenny 4.: Iain 5.: Emily 6.: Michael 7.: Georgie 8.: Laura The Questions How did you meet 6?: College- uber cool classics class Why are you friends ...
Posted by Gem on Thu, 25 May 2006 09:36:00 PST

Various dealies About Moi!

okay this is just where im gunna bung things that i do when im bored!! Your Personality Profile You Are a Mermaid areyouquiz/mermaid.jpg" heigh...
Posted by Gem on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 03:39:00 PST

Thank You- Love You!

I just wanted to say a HUGE thankyou to everyone in my life recently- you have been amazing i couldnt have coped half as well as i have if you all hadn't been there for me with a shoulder to cry on or...
Posted by Gem on Sat, 21 Jan 2006 10:02:00 PST