Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli Denver profile picture

Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli Denver

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About Me

Omecihuatl Ometecuhtli
Ometeotltzin Tlazokamatzin
Niltze Kalmekanas/os!

Danza De Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli is located in Denver, Colorado.
We are group of men women and children dedicated to the learning teaching and preservation of Native/Indio Meshiko and North American Native Cultural Heritage. Our group consists of many different tribal backgrounds with our focus centering on Aztec Dance and ceremony. We continue to strive to provide a healthy, safe, happy and loving environment in which we are all supported in our personal growth as well as a group. With sharing and involvement we help ourselves and other’s to bridge the gap between the modern rush hour world and the traditional way of life. Helping to blend the two and walk in a more peaceful and serene way every day. We learn, teach and grow together as a community. In doing so we are hold these traditions by teaching them to the children of today that they may in turn teach this way of life to their children and to all of the generations to come, ensuring our way of life will continue through them.
****We are available for performances. For more information on performance prices and dates for availability, please email us and we will get back to you with any information you may need or require.****
****Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli is in the process of gaining 501c3 tax exempt status. We are not affiliated with any other entity at present.****
****Disclaimer Letter****To Whom It May Concern:Any personal views and opinions expressed by specific members belonging to Mitotilitzli, are the sole responsibility of the member, and do not reflect the opinions and views of the whole grupo. Any Website dedicated to the grupo are for internal group discussion and are not intended to be taken out of context from any outside sources. If there are any concerns or opinions that need to be expressed by outside sources,as well as the members themselves, there are means for open discussion, and all concerns will be handled in a considerate and respectful manner.Warmest Regards,Members of Mitotilitzli
Our Group is filled with many talented singers and artists. We have been blessed and fortunate to know all of them as a family,as well as friends.
Our group Leader Hector Ybarra has an alternative rock band by the name of Coupstick check them out THEY ROCK!!!(click on the pic)
Our Malintzin(womyn who carries the fire) Kelsie is a body paint artist who is breaking out on the scene quite beautifully I might add. If you'd like to see her work then please click on the pic below!!! You'll surely be amazed!
My name is XOtzin I sing with an aztec singing group by the name of Tzotzollin, this is our album
***If you'd like to sample our cd please click on the picture it will take you to a site where you will be able to sample some of our songs. As always it helps us to buy from us directly so if you're interested in purchasing this cd please contact me via email at [email protected] The cd sells for $15.00 US. We will ship and that will of course cost you extra. Tiauhi Mexikas!!
Meet another talented member of our grupo Dani Cornejo, and his familia/music group Dabajo Del Agua. Please take time to listen to their musica and enjoy!! Support your community and people , PARA LA RAZA..... NO HUMAN BEING IS ILLEGAL!!!
MITOTILITZLI in the NEWS Boulder Daily Camera Article: http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2007/mar/16/no-headline-18pd an/this is a great article and true to the heart of what we do as prayer !! I pray you are all inspired by this writing, Renee is a very positive and wonderful writer who aspires to walk in two worlds successfully, with hopes to help to build a bridge between the two. To help us all to live with one another in a good way!! Tiahui Renee Tavera and TLAZOKAMATI for all of your hard work and your endeavor to be who you are, you are a wonder and a precious gift!

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Pirate Art Gallery@3655 Navajo St • Denver CO 80211http://www.pirateart.org/2006/2007 Dia De Los MuertosMitotilitzli would like to thank you and your wonderful staff and presenters for the evenings we have spent with you these last two years for the preservation of our culture and the blessing of the ancestors who have come before us. It is an honor to dance there and have the community present. Performing and the Pirate has always been a joy for our Grupo. Thank you to Phil and your familia there and the gallery !C.H.A.C. Art Gallery Chicano Humanities and Arts Council @772 Santa Fe Drive Denver, CO 80204.http://www.chacweb.org/for 2006/2007 Dia De Los MuertosThank you for two years in a row of beautiful time spent together for the communities to give back to them the love that our culture has brought to us through the Danza and this indigenous way of life! Thank you Crystal, Hector and all of your family there for making our time performing there a beautiful success!Denver Inner City Parish @910 Galapago Street Denver, Colorado 80204http://www.dicp.org/2007 Dia De Los Muertos in cooperation with CHAC.Thank you for your cooperation and care in guiding us at this years event for Dia De Los Muertos. Thank you for the work that you do to keep people connected in love and community! We had a beautiful day with your kids and leading the procession to the CHAC event for the Danza performance there. Thank you to all of your lovely staff that was present that day. They were all very kind and helpful in every way. It has been a pleasure truly !Tonalli Gallery @ 3810 Pecos Denver, Co 80211http://www.thetonallishop.com/Thank you so very much for your invitation to come to your beautiful space there and perform for our Lady of Guadalupe, TONANTZINTLALLI! The space you all have there is amazing and filled with such gratitude. It has been an honor to work with you and we look forward to working with you again.Renee Fajardo, I personally want to thank you for all that you have done for this Grupo behind the scenes. I want everyone who reads this to know that you have helped me on a personal level with getting things organised, getting us performances when we have had none and with my sense of morale when I was not feeling so happy with learning how to get the Grupo going with these performances. I also want to thank you for the up and coming work we will be doing together! Thank you hermana, you've been a true blessing to me personally! (XOtzin Omecihuatl grupo secretary)The same goes for all of the people we have worked with thus far. Everyone we have had the pleasure of working with has been nothing less than helpful open loving and kind! Tlazokamati Wel Miak Kalmekanas/os for everything you all have done to keep these communities in tact and growing through healthy interaction and the preservation of the cultura of our gente ! This list will continue to grow as I am able to get the dates online as well as web site addresses to the places where we have performed. So hold on tight more to come !Tiahui Mexikas!


Macehualiztli, Mit'totiliztli, El Mitote, La Danza Azteca, La Danza De La Conquista, La Danza Chichimeca, La Danza De Los Concheros, La Batalla, El Sacrificio, The Aztec Dance , The Chicano-Azteca Dance Circle, every single one of these names have been used throughout the past four Hundred and eighty years to describe the beauty and expression that is the way our native people's pray .... suuport......teach.....and pass on this way of life to the generations to come......TIAHUI MEXIKAS!!!


My Blog

Performance in Lamar Colorado!

we all drove in four vehicles almost four hours there and four hours back together as a community and it was awesome so thank you grupo for your love of one another and just wow!!!!!!!! they were blow...
Posted by Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli Denver on Sat, 03 May 2008 12:30:00 PST

Members of Mitotilitzli (consistent and long term)

Capitan/Tlayeconqui(holder of religious office): *Hector Ybarra   Malintzins/Tlapopochuihuanime: *Kelsie Ybarra-Young *Zole Ybarra *Tania Rodriguez   Atlcihuatl/Water Woman: *Jeanette M...
Posted by Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli Denver on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:04:00 PST

Tonalmachiotl lessons

LESSON 1. Aztec Calendar Wheel.The basis of the Tonalmachiotl ..>..>..> ..> Figure 1. Tonalmachiotl is Called the Aztec Calendar, the Sunstone, or Piedra del Sol (John Pohl's "Mesoamerican Collect...
Posted by Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli Denver on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 12:29:00 PST


Article Boulder Caily Camera By Renee Tavera http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2007/mar/16/no-headline-18pd an/ Listing of Calendar Events on "Upcoming" http://upcoming.yahoo.com/user/197225/ Linked In C...
Posted by Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli Denver on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:18:00 PST

Grupo Mitotilitzli would like to give thanks to......

Pirate Art Gallery@3655 Navajo St " Denver CO 80211 http://www.pirateart.org/ 2006/2007 Dia De Los Muertos Mitotilitzli would like to thank you and your wonderful staff and presenters for the evening...
Posted by Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli Denver on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 10:09:00 PST


Hello Everyone!I just want to thank you so much for your performanceon Saturday!  It was a magical event to say the least,and despite the cold weather and rain, it brightenedmy day as well as tho...
Posted by Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli Denver on Wed, 09 May 2007 11:26:00 PST


DANZA AZTECA TERMS FROM VARIOUS SOURCES ..>   English Español Nahuatl de Tetelcingo(Xogu 1979) Classic Nahuatl (1535 Molina) 1.  Aztec Dance Danza Azteca Mitote Mi'totiliztli 2. Da...
Posted by Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli Denver on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 04:41:00 PST

Rainbow Blessing

Rainbow Blessing: Buffalo Heart Woman Let the God power within me flow through me. Faith opens doors to my future bringing an abundance of good. I accept the spirit of new opportunities to improve my...
Posted by Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli Denver on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 12:49:00 PST

I called the white house

I called the white house I got the distinct impression that they really did not care what I had to say *laughing* As an indigenous womyn of earth *laughing once again* Geesus you all really no ...
Posted by Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli Denver on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:08:00 PST

Gee Mel ya feelin just a wee bit angry and a wee bit ignorant lately ???

Numunu mama wrote:Regarding Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto" :The movie, "Apolcalypto" ,(according to the NY Post, a movie about human sacrifice among the ancient Maya) is about to premiere tonight at Chicka...
Posted by Danza Azteca Grupo Mitotilitzli Denver on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 09:38:00 PST